On Sunday 22 June 2008, Frans Pop wrote:
> Although the direct cause is the switch to 2.6.24, I would think that
> the actual problem is likely to be in directfb which apparently does
> not work with whatever changed in the kernel.

Commenting out the following line from /etc/directfbrc (after boot with 
BOOT_DEBUG=3) makes the keys work again:

The reason that line was added is #395257, which is mainly about switching 
keyboards not working. I have tested changing keymaps does work now 
without disabling the keyboard module, so apparently the root cause of 
that issue was in the kernel.

Changing keymaps works fine when using udebs from 2008-03-25 and the .24 
kernel, but is broken again when the keyboard module is not disabled for 
D-I Lenny Beta 2 (essentially same kernel), which leads to the question
"what changed?". Was directfb later "fixed" for the kernel change maybe, 
breaking things for us again?

Other info gathered along the way...

Dead keys still do not work, at least combining them doesn't.
If I select the Dutch keymap and press "'" (dead acute) followed by "e", 
nothing happens.

Hmmm, hang on. It does kind of work.
' + space -> ´
' + ' -> ´
' + e -> nothing
' + ' + e -> ´é (i.e. gives accent _followed by_ accented character)

Very strange is that this does work:
' + s -> ś
' + c -> ć

I think I'll open a new bug report for this (later).

With the Dutch keymap alternate keys work too if I use the Windows key 
as "shift", e.g. (all correct):
normal/shift/windows + 1: 1 ! ¹
normal/shift/windows + 2: 2 " ²
normal/shift/windows + 3: 3 # ³
normal/shift/windows + 4: 4 $ ¼
normal/shift/windows + 5: 5 % ½
normal/shift/windows + 6: 7 & ¾


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