I've checked that TIDs and source ports are not random enough dumping
the traffic using dnsget. Then, reading the code so I could fix it, I
found the rationale from Michael Tokarev, which I reproduce below.

  /* this is how we choose an identifier for a new query (qID).
   * For now, it's just sequential number, incremented for every query, and
   * thus obviously trivial to guess.
   * There are two choices:
   *  a) use sequential numbers.  It is plain insecure. In DNS, there are two
   *   places where random numbers are (or can) be used to increase security:
   *   random qID and random source port number.  Without this randomness
   *   (udns uses fixed port for all queries), or when the randomness is weak,
   *   it's trivial to spoof query replies.  With randomness however, it
   *   becomes a bit more difficult task.  Too bad we only have 16 bits for
   *   our security, as qID is only two bytes.  It isn't a security per se,

n those 16 bits - an attacker can just flood us with fake
   *   replies with all possible qIDs (only 65536 of them), and in this case,
   *   even if we'll use true random qIDs, we'll be in trouble (not protected
   *   against spoofing).  Yes, this is only possible on a high-speed network
   *   (probably on the LAN only, since usually a border router for a LAN
   *   protects internal machines from packets with spoofed local addresses
   *   from outside, and usually a nameserver resides on LAN), but it's
   *   still very well possible to send us fake replies.
   *   In other words: there's nothing a DNS (stub) resolver can do against
   *   spoofing attacks, unless DNSSEC is in use, which helps here alot.
   *   Too bad that DNSSEC isn't widespread, so relying on it isn't an
   *   option in almost all cases...
   *  b) use random qID, based on some random-number generation mechanism.
   *   This way, we increase our protection a bit (see above - it's very weak
   *   still), but we also increase risk of qID reuse and matching late replies
   *   that comes to queries we've sent before against new queries.  There are
   *   some more corner cases around that, as well - for example, normally,
   *   udns tries to find the query for a given reply by qID, *and* by
   *   verifying that the query DN and other parameters are also the same
   *   (so if the new query is against another domain name, old reply will
   *   be ignored automatically).  But certain types of replies which we now
   *   handle - for example, FORMERR reply from servers which refuses to
ss EDNS0-enabled packets - comes without all the query parameters
   *   but the qID - so we're forced to use qID only when determining which
   *   query the given reply corresponds to.  This makes us even more
   *   vulnerable to spoofing attacks, because an attacker don't even need to
   *   know which queries we perform to spoof the replies - he only needs to
   *   flood us with fake FORMERR "replies".
   * That all to say: using sequential (or any other trivially guessable)
   * numbers for qIDs is insecure, but the whole thing is inherently insecure
   * as well, and this "extra weakness" that comes from weak qID choosing
   * algorithm adds almost nothing to the underlying problem.
   * It CAN NOT be made secure.  Period.  That's it.
   * Unless we choose to implement DNSSEC, which is a whole different story.
   * Forcing TCP mode makes it better, but who uses TCP for DNS anyway?
   * (and it's hardly possible because of huge impact on the recursive
   * nameservers).
   * Note that ALL stub resolvers (again, unless they implement and enforce
   * DNSSEC) suffers from this same problem.
   * So, instead of trying to be more secure (which actually is not - false
   * sense of security is - I think - is worse than no security), I'm trying
   * to be more robust here (by preventing qID reuse, which helps in normal
   * conditions).  And use sequential qID generation scheme.

I think that using random ports together with the random qIDs may solve
the robustness issue, if you don't have a "collision", which could be
tracked using the queries issued themselves. This is a not a trivial

So, for now, I would recommend the same recommendations for glibc,
regarding this issue.

Thadeu Cascardo.

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