Le samedi 15 novembre 2008 à 13:03 +0000, Sam Morris a écrit :
> With xulrunner-1.9 version and epiphany-gecko version 2.22.3-8
> the certificate manager still acts very strangely.
> The 'delete' button brings up a window that I've taken a screenshot of
> and attached to this message.
> In that window, the 'ok' button does nothing (does not even close the
> window), and the 'cancel' button causes the selected certificate to be
> deleted. The certificate is even deleted if I close the window via the
> window manager's 'close' button, so there is no way to abort the
> deleting of a certificate!
> Should I re-open or file a new bug?

Hmpfff, I can’t reproduce that but this reminds me of an issue I
encountered while testing the changes. There was some dark magic storing
a cached version of the .js file that I could never identify.

Does it happen with a brand new user account?

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