I just finally tagged, with the RM team "blessing", bug #424957 as

The general rationale is that the Right Approach, which is talking to
Sun, only happened very recently, thanks to Ean's initiative.....which
triggered immediate commitment by Simon Phipps to do what's needed to
deal with that licensing issue.

However, the general feeling is that sorting out such legalese stuff
might need time and, as someone said in the thread, asking Sun lawyers
to hurry up is just like asking Debian to release Lenny now".

So, I'd like to make the very same proposal for that bug than the one
I did for #424957: tag the issue as lenny-ignore so that it doesn't
block the release (nobody is thinking we will release without glibc,
right?) and that gives time to sort out the legalese stuff.


(I think the release team would agree just as they did for #424957)


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