hi guys,

On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 09:37:14PM +0100, Nico Golde wrote:
> > in the meantime I am preparing an NMU with the patch for (1) applied.
> No need for an NMU I think, Darren is heavily working on 
> these issues, check:
> http://alioth.debian.org/~dsalt-guest/security/.private/
> The coordination is a bit chaotic at the moment, spread over 
> private mails, irc queries, #xine-private and the bts :/

okay, but just FYI these bugs are marked as affecting lenny in the rc
bug tracking page[1] with no further information in the page or the
bugs themselves.  the fact that one of these bugs was in fact a non-bug
(already fixed in lenny/sid) implied in my mind that nothing was going

had i known this work was already done i could have spent my effort in
a non-duplicate manner, and we'd have been a couple man-hours closer to
releasing lenny :(

so please consider this a polite request for a quick status update to the bug
reports (i've cc'd all of them here, so a simple group-reply should hopefully
prevent similar duplicate effort).  

since it sounds like darren has already done quite a bit of work on this,
i'll back off until i sober up in 2009, and then check back in :)



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