Paul Cupis <> (20/11/2008):
> On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 06:20:22PM +0100, Friedemann Stoyan wrote:
> > I run into the same trouble, quagga 0.99.10-1 is completely unusable
> > for me. I compiled quagga source 0.99.11-1 from unstable for lenny.
> > This version fixes the bug. Please unblock quagga 0.99.11-1.
> Upstream are considering dumping 0.99.11 due to a bug in the OSPF code
> - 0.99.12 is due to be released in the coming weeks with the fix (or
> can be patched etc).


I'm wondering what to do with quagga for that bug WRT lenny. The diff
between .10 and .11 is *huge*¹. Would a backport of the specific patch
(as the one proposed by Hannes Schulz) for lenny be acceptable for a
t-p-u upload?

¹: 206 files changed, 5133 insertions(+), 25909 deletions(-) according
   to a diffstat on a source debdiff.

Hannes, did you contact upstream asking whether your patch would be
suitable on top of .10? If you didn't, could you please do so, and point
to the first mail of the thread by replying to the Debian bugreport, so
that one can easily track it?

Thanks for your time!


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