tag 497740 patch pending

Martin Zobel-Helas <zo...@ftbfs.de> (20/01/2009):
> I am reopening this bugreport due to:
> http://buildd.debian.org/fetch.cgi?pkg=guile-1.6&arch=hppa&ver=1.6.8-6.2&stamp=1232428441&file=log&as=raw
> |       6801 Segmentation fault      | 
> GUILE="/build/buildd/guile-1.6-1.6.8/pre-inst-guile" 
> ../scripts/snarf-check-and-output-texi --manual > guile.texi
> I already tried to compile guile-1.6 with -O0 on hppa but it didn't help.

Due to the direction in which the stack grows. I still have to choose
how to solve that bug, but setting the appropriate define manually did
the trick, thus tagging patch.

I'll follow up in a few hours with a proposed patch, and an NMU short
afterwards, thus tagging pending.


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