Processing commands for

> severity 517275 grave
Bug#517275: email-reminder: [INTL:de] updated German debconf translation
Severity set to `grave' from `wishlist'

> retitle 517274 myspell-nn: nn.dic nn.aff is not enough for OOo3, needs to be 
> nn_NO
Bug#517274: [] debianize and redistribute dict extensions
Changed Bug title to `myspell-nn: nn.dic nn.aff is not enough for OOo3, needs 
to be nn_NO' from `[] debianize and redistribute dict extensions'.

> retitle 517275 myspell-fr: fr.dic fr.aff is not enough for OOo3, needs to be 
> fr_*
Bug#517275: email-reminder: [INTL:de] updated German debconf translation
Changed Bug title to `myspell-fr: fr.dic fr.aff is not enough for OOo3, needs 
to be fr_*' from `email-reminder: [INTL:de] updated German debconf translation'.

End of message, stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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