OK, I've spent the whole morning digging the bug and I've found it.

The function get_all() in /usr/share/perl5/X11/Auth.pm silently
returned nothing because my ~/.Xauthority seemed corrupted:

Using authority file /home/cyb/.Xauthority
xauth> list
Illegal Address:
Illegal Address:
Illegal Address:
Illegal Address:
Illegal Address:
Illegal Address:
Illegal Address:
Illegal Address:
Illegal Address:
Illegal Address:
Illegal Address:
Illegal Address:
Illegal Address:
Illegal Address:
Illegal Address:
Illegal Address:
Illegal Address:
Illegal Address:
Illegal Address:
[238 identical lines skipped]
wide/unix:0  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  678a5dd01e388f83c14bdf26c25bbd73
localhost.localdomain/unix:0  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  

("wide" is my hostname)

I really have no idea how this corruption happened but I simply
removed the file, restarted X11 and cssh is happily working again.

The corrupted file is 2495 bytes long whereas the valid one is only
115 bytes long, it's quite a difference. I kept a copy if anyone needs

I'm also wondering why all my other X11 apps were working normally
with this corrupted .Xauthority file and why cssh is the only one to

I would have saved a lot of my time if libx11-protocol-perl was
displaying an explicit error message instead of:
 "Can't read:  at /usr/share/perl5/X11/Protocol.pm line 2301".

I guess other users might waste a lot of time too because of that so
I'll reassign this bug as "wishlist" to libx11-protocol-perl.

Cyril Bouthors

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