tags 530350 + patch

Dear maintainer,

I've prepared an NMU for btscanner (versioned as 2.1-4.1) and
uploaded it to DELAYED/5. Please free to tell me if I should
delay it longer.


Filippo Giunchedi - http://esaurito.net - 0x6B79D401

In God we trust, everybody else pays cash.
-- somewhere in England 
diff -u btscanner-2.1/debian/control btscanner-2.1/debian/control
--- btscanner-2.1/debian/control
+++ btscanner-2.1/debian/control
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Section: net
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Uwe Hermann <u...@debian.org>
-Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 5), libncurses5-dev, libbluetooth2-dev, libxml2-dev
+Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 5), libncurses5-dev, libbluetooth-dev, libxml2-dev
 Standards-Version: 3.8.0
 Homepage: http://www.pentest.co.uk/cgi-bin/viewcat.cgi?cat=downloads&section=01_bluetooth
diff -u btscanner-2.1/debian/changelog btscanner-2.1/debian/changelog
--- btscanner-2.1/debian/changelog
+++ btscanner-2.1/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+btscanner (2.1-4.1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Build-Depend on libbluetooth-dev instead of libbluetooth2-dev
+    (Closes: #530350)
+ -- Filippo Giunchedi <fili...@debian.org>  Thu, 25 Jun 2009 17:20:49 +0200
 btscanner (2.1-4) unstable; urgency=low
   * debian/control:

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