Please don't do random NMU's without getting approval from the

Belpic has serious issues in that some builds work, while others don't,
depending on the state of the build-deps; the only way to defend against
this is by extensive testing, which you _cannot_ have done since you
don't have a Belgian eID card.

Also, I'm currently working on packaging an upstream code update, which
I hope to have done by the end of DebConf9. If this build causes
problems, then that works directly against that goal.

If DebConf9 is over and the belpic upstream update isn't ready for
upload, I'll do an update of the current codebase myself. For now, I
have cancelled your upload. Please don't touch it without my explicit

The biometric identification system at the gates of the CIA headquarters
works because there's a guard with a large gun making sure no one is
trying to fool the system.

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