On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 7:01 AM, Niko Tyni<nt...@debian.org> wrote:
>> There are ways around that, have the perl package provide a name which
>> maps to the debian version less NMUs (either by manually updating
>> debian/control, or an automated process which removes bin NMUs from
>> the version).
> As binNMUs get an extra changelog entry compared to their arch:all
> counterparts, all approaches that try to make them equivalent seem
> fundamentally broken to me. But maybe I'm just misunderstanding you.

I was suggesting:

  Package: perl
  Provides: perl-${debian-base:Version}

  Package: perl-modules
  Depends: perl-${debian-base:Version}

or something similar, and to have debian-base:Version set by
debian/rules to be the Debian version =~ s/\+b\d+$//

This would mean that arch-indep packages may have a changelog which
contains one or more binary NMU lines that technically do not apply,
but as these are machine generated metadata do we really care?

>> Another alternative, certainly the simplest, would be to remove
>> perl-modules entirely and have those arch-indep parts included in the
>> perl package. [...]
> I find this suggestion somewhat appealing, particularly as it would
> remove the dependency loop that people frequently complain about
> (#527917 / #502455) and simplify major version upgrades.
> The size of the packages is roughly
>              package size    installed-size
> perl              5M               15M
> perl-modules      3M               15M
> so with ~15 architectures, the join would take on the order of 50
> megabytes more mirror space per suite, altogether something like 200
> megabytes.  That does sound a bit much, but OTOH it's less than .1 %
> of the total archive size.

Note that while size in the archive was part of the original
motivation of splitting the arch-indep parts out, it also seemed to be
the correct thing to do in so far as making scenarios such as
described in the FHS easier to manage

Having said that, I'm inclined to believe that merging the two is
perhaps the best course.

> A quick count shows 116 packages in sid that have a versioned dependency
> (build- or otherwise) on perl-modules. Those would have to be fixed
> first unless we provided a transitional empty perl-modules package.

My inclination would be to have an empty package.

> In any case, the join wouldn't solve the issue this bug is about
> completely, as perl-doc also has an arch:all->arch:any symlink in
> /usr/share/doc. It therefore seems to me that a possible perl/perl-modules
> join is a separate matter and should not necessarily be coupled with
> this bug.

This similarly could be solved with the provides/dependency as described above.

> I think removing the symlinks with maintainer scripts and separating
> the /usr/share/doc entries is the best course of action here.

Sure.  I would still be inclined to keep the majority of the
documentation under /usr/share/doc/perl (as it is currently), and
merely have copies of changelog.Debian.gz, copyright and perhaps a
short README.Debian in /usr/share/doc/perl-doc.

If, OTOH you think that it would be clearer to split the docs across
perl-base, perl and perl-doc, I can take a look at what machinations
would be required to apply that on update.


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