On Sun, 1 Nov 2009 09:28:21 -0430
Jose Luis Rivas <josel...@rivco.net> wrote:

> Plus, is the intended behavior, the package was made on that sense,
> that's what the screensaver is supposed to do. So it's not a bug but a
> feature!

Just because I think the issue of what consistutes intended behaviours
is an issue:  The intended behaviour of xscreensaver-data-extra is to
provide additional screensaver hacks for *user* enjoyment.  The goal of
the hack is to amuse the *user*, and as such BSOD is makes the
package buggy because it frequently causes the user to experience
anguish instead of enjoyment.  Sure it's amusing if you are expecting
it, but when a user who doesn't know that there is a screen hack that
pretends to be completely broken computer takes a break from something
important, comes back, and sees a crash, they're not *enjoying* the

Another point of what a *package* is supposed to do, is that it is
supposed to be generally usable without having to vet every options of
every screen of the package.  That would defeat the point of using
packages and and distribution over a micromanaged LFS or Gentoo
system.  If I have to go over every package, in detail, to be sure that
the maintainer hasn't got a landmine in the package for my users, I
haven't gained much by using a prepackaged distribution like Debian.

Debian isn't just for developers.



And that's my crabbing done for the day.  Got it out of the way early, 
now I have the rest of the afternoon to sniff fragrant tea-roses or 
strangle cute bunnies or something.   -- Michael Devore
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