Ok, I understand what's going on better now, and I'm sorry for the
combative tone. I was indeed running the kvm from unstable, because I
had to move to the that kernel to fix a bug, and I figured keeping kvm
in as close sync as possible made the most sense. That may not have
been necessary, but I'm pretty blurry on the lines of separation between
all the different components in the kvm/qemu stack.
Doesn't the .deb format have some way to say 'this version is bad',
rather than 'this version or earlier is bad?' Since the conflict is
only the unstable version, it would probably save some user pain if the
syntax allows exclusion of just that package. The conflict would have
still bitten ME, but that's my fault for leaving the Testing tree. :)
I'll go ahead and update to qemu-kvm from unstable; I was already
running KVM from there, so replacing it with qemu-kvm is hardly a
stretch. If you don't hear from me again, things are working. :)
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