Package: icon
Version: 9.4.2-2.3
Severity: serious
Justification: no longer builds from source

icon failed to build on a sparc buildd, duplicated on my sparc pbuilder:

Testing ilib
Test-icon: line 43: 14767 Bus error               ./$EXE </dev/null >$F.out 2>&1
< dayoweek        Friday 
< julian          2445951 
< saytime         just gone  three o'clock 
< factors:
< divisors        1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 15 18 20 24 30 36 40 45 60 72 90 120 
180 360 
< divisorl        1 2 3 4 6 8 9 12 16 18 24 32 36 48 64 72 96 144 192 288 576 
< factorial       1 
< factorial       720 
< factors         2 2 2 3 3 5 
< genfactors      2 2 2 3 3 5 
< gfactorial      15 
< ispower         3 
< isprime         97 
< nxtprime        101 
< pfactors        2 3 5 
< prdecomp        3 2 1 
< prdecomp        3 2 0 1 
< prime           2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 
83 89 97 
< sfactors        2^3 3^2 5 
< squarefree      23 
< squarefree      
< squarefree      
< squarefree      26 
< squarefree      
< squarefree      
< squarefree      29 
< squarefree      30 
< [testing factorizations]
< [testing prime numbers]
< io:
< exists          
< directory       /tmp 
< lists:
< lcollate        3 5 1 3 4 5 1 6 5 2 9 9 2 5 6 1 5 4 3 1 5 3 
< lcompact        3 1 4 1 5 7 2 6 5 3 5 
< lclose          3 1 4 1 3 
< ldelete         3 1 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 
< ldupl           3 3 1 1 4 4 1 1 5 5 9 9 2 2 6 6 5 5 3 3 5 5 
< lequiv          3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 
< lextend         3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 
< lfliph          5 3 5 6 2 9 5 1 4 1 3 
< lflipv          7 9 6 9 5 1 8 4 5 7 5 
< limage          [ 3 , 1 , 4 , 1 , 5 , 9 , 2 , 6 , 5 , 3 , 5 ] 
< lindex          5 9 11 
< linterl         3 5 1 3 4 5 1 6 5 2 9 9 2 5 6 1 5 4 3 1 5 3 
< llayer          3 10 1 8 4 11 1 8 5 12 7 14 2 9 6 13 5 12 3 10 5 12 
< llpad           0 0 0 3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 
< lltrim          1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 
< lpalin          3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 5 3 5 6 2 9 5 1 4 1 
< lpermute        3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 
< lreflect        3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 3 5 6 2 9 5 1 4 1 
< lremvals        3 4 9 2 6 3 
< lrepl           3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 
< lresidue        0 1 1 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 
< lreverse        5 3 5 6 2 9 5 1 4 1 3 
< lrotate         5 9 2 6 5 3 5 3 1 4 1 
< lrpad           3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 0 0 0 
< lrtrim          3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 
< lrundown        3 3 2 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 1 1 4 3 4 3 2 4 3 2 1 4 4 3 2 
< lrunup          3 4 5 3 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 3 4 3 1 
< lshift          6 4 7 4 8 12 5 9 8 6 8 
< lswap           1 3 1 4 9 5 6 2 3 5 5 
< lunique         3 1 4 5 9 2 6 
< lmaxlen         9 
< lminlen         1 
< sortkeys        3 4 5 2 5 5 
< sortvalues      1 1 9 6 3 
< str2lst         Once  upon  a mid night  drea ry 
< math:
< binocoef        4368 
< cosh            1.600286858 
< sinh            1.249367051 
< tanh            0.7807144354 
< numbers:
< adp             3 
< adr             1 
< amean           10.66666667 
< ceil            4 
< commas          2,147,483,647 
< decimal         1. 
< decimal         0.5 
< decimal         0.[3] 
< decimal         0.25 
< decimal         0.2 
< decimal         0.1[6] 
< decimal         0.[142857] 
< decimal         0.125 
< decimal         0.[1] 
< decimal         0.1 
< decimal         0.[09] 
< decimal         0.08[3] 
< decimal         0.[076923] 
< decimal         0.0[714285] 
< decimal         0.0[6] 
< decimal         0.0625 
< decimal         0.[0588235294117647] 
< decimal         0.0[5] 
< decimal         0.[052631578947368421] 
< decimal         0.05 
< decipos             3.1415 
< digprod         903168 
< digred          1 
< digroot         1 
< digsum          46 10 1 
< distseq         13 24 10 21 7 18 4 15 1 12 23 9 20 6 17 3 14 25 11 22 8 19 5 
16 2 
< div             3.14159292 
< fix                 3.1415 
< floor           1 
< frn                 3.1416 
< gcd             6 
< gcdl            3 
< gmean           5.194140423 
< hmean           2.721759118 
< large           214748364721474836472147483647 
< lcm             120 
< lcm             120 
< mantissa        .7182818285 
< max             3.141592654 
< mdp             2 
< mdr             0 
< min             1.618033989 
< mod1            7 
< npalins         11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 
< residue         7 
< roman           MCMLXXXIX 
< round           3 
< sign            -1 
< spell           forty-seven thousand and seven thousand and one hundred and 
< sum             96 
< trunc           1 
< unroman         1974 
< options:
< options         a:1 b:1 c:1 i:1 r:1 s:1 v:1
< options         a:1 b:1 c:1 i:1 r:1 s:1 v:1
< options         a:bc i:42 r:98.6 s:-v
< options         a:bc i:42 r:98.6 s:1 v:1
< options         abc:- i:1 r:1 s:-v
< options         a:bc i:42 r:1 s:1 v:1
<    argv         - 98.6 -b x y 
< random:
< rand_num        453816694 
< rand_int        9 
< randomize        
< randrange       41 
< randrangeseq    59 65 71 77 83 89 95 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 55 61 67 73 79 
85 91 97 56 62 
< randseq         1903 204320185 193201979 1327087509 597731815 1239640785 
169007731 1268039277 280296415 1247011177 1336387883 1564267205 1602778455 
875637121 694594403 898487453 1839599183 53926681 2122291483 501816309 
844119751 255987249 627419731 1349353677 1652096703 
< rng             0 453816694 885666996 678165018 1096161928 905669982 
656467580 170957890 1583830416 108920774 1539632324 295778538 721762584 
1144737966 1333202828 1237514258 1519504672 1583400982 507287252 1824883130 
679975336 764038654 1931954844 1814756834 25274032 
< shuffle         J4K2Q5A39T687 
< rational:
< str2rat         (355/113)
< real2rat        (355/113)
< rat2str         (355/113) 
< rat2real        3.14159292 
< negrat          (-355/113)
< reciprat        (113/355)
< addrat          (138794/40115)
< subrat          (113256/40115)
< mpyrat          (-126025/12769)
< divrat          (126025/12769)
< medrat          (13/12)
< medrat          (1/2)
< [testing conversions]
< records:
< field           weekday 
< fieldnum        7 
< movecorr        10 1952 0.97 
< scan:
< sets:
< cset2set        { 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 }
< domain          { one three two }
< inverse         22:two 101:one 333:three
< range           { 22 101 333 }
< seteq           { 1 4 7 }
< setlt           { 1 3 4 7 }
< simage          { 5, 4, 9, 3, 2, 1, 6 } 
< sort:
< isort                 : a e e e e e h h m n N o o Q R r r t T u v 
< sortff          1 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 3 9 
< strings:
< cat             abcdefghi 
< charcnt         11 
< collate         a1b2c3d4e5 
< comb            abc abd abe acd ace ade bcd bce bde cde 
< compress        Misisipi bokeper unsucesfuly lobies hedles comite 
< coprefix        abc 
< coprefix        ab 
< coprefix         
< coprefix        ab 
< coprefix        ab 
< coprefix         
< coprefix         
< coprefix         
< coprefix        bc 
< cosuffix        abc 
< cosuffix         
< cosuffix        bc 
< cosuffix         
< cosuffix        ab 
< cosuffix         
< cosuffix        bc 
< cosuffix         
< cosuffix        bc 
< csort                 aabcdefghijklmnoopqrstuuvwxyz 
< decollate       stra ntepr 
< deletec         dnstttnlztn 
< deletep         destitutionalization 
< deletes         deinstuonalizaon 
< diffcnt         11 
< extend          chocochocochocochocochocochocochocochocochocochocochocochoco 
< fchars          itnaodelsuz 
< interleave      a1b2c3d1e2 
< ispal           abcdcba 
< maxlen          6 
< meander         
< multicoll       qbfuroioxcwkn 
< ochars          deinstuoalz 
< odd_even        34141256923656345 
< palins          aaa aba aca ada bab bbb bcb bdb cac cbc ccc cdc dad dbd dcd 
< permutes        abc acb bac bca cab cba 
< pretrim         And in conclusion... 
< reflect         abc*b 
< reflect         abc*cb 
< reflect         abc*ba 
< reflect         abc*cba 
< replace         deinsletuleonalizaleon 
< replacem        deinsletulinealizaline 
< replc           aaabcc 
< rotate          cathouse 
< schars          adeilnostuz 
< scramble        ontinutdnzlistieitaiao 
< selectp         intuit 
< slugs  the.moon sing.among the.stars 
< starseq          a b aa ab ba bb aaa aab aba abb baa bab bba bbb aaaa aaab 
aaba aabb abaa abab abba abbb baaa baab 
< strcnt          3 
< substrings      dei ein ins nst sti tit itu tut uti tio ion ona nal ali liz 
iza zat ati tio ion 
< transpose       chateous 
< words           fly me to the moon and let me sing among the stars 
< tables:
< keylist         one three two 
< kvallist        101 333 22 
< tbleq           one:101 three:333 two:22
< tblunion        one:101 three:333 two:22
< tblinter        one:101 three:333 two:22
< tbldiff        
< tblinvrt        22:two 101:one 333:three
< tbldflt         0 
< twt             22:two 101:one 333:three one:101 three:333 two:22
< vallist         22 101 333 
> dayoweek       
\ No newline at end of file
Testing image
Testing io
Testing kross
Testing kwds
Testing large
Testing left
Testing level
Testing lexcmp
Testing lgint
Testing lists
Testing map
Testing mathfunc
Testing meander
Testing mffsol
Testing mindfa
Testing misc
Testing nargs
Testing numeric
Testing others
Testing over
Testing parse
Testing pdco
Testing prefix
Testing prepro
Testing primes
Testing proto
Testing queens
Testing random
Testing recent
Testing recogn
Testing record
Testing right
Testing roman
Testing scan
Testing scan1
Testing scan2
Testing sets
Testing sieve
Testing sorting
Test-icon: line 43: 15163 Bus error               ./$EXE </dev/null >$F.out 2>&1
< &null
< &null
< &null
< &null
< &null
< &null
< -36472996377170786403
< -36472996377170786403
< -27368747340080916343
< -27368747340080916343
< 1
< 1
< 2
< 2
< 3
< 3
< 4
< 4
< 5
< 5
< 37252902984619140625
< 37252902984619140625
< 61159090448414546291
< 61159090448414546291
< 1.1
< 1.1
< 2.2
< 2.2
< 3.3
< 3.3
< 4.4
< 4.4
< 5.5
< 5.5
< ""
< ""
< "a"
< "a"
< "alpha"
< "alpha"
< "beta"
< "beta"
< "delta"
< "delta"
< "epsilon"
< "epsilon"
< "epsilons"
< "epsilons"
< "gamma"
< "gamma"
< "gamma"
< "gamma"
< ''
< ''
< '0cs'
< '0cs'
< '1234cs'
< '1234cs'
< '123cs'
< '123cs'
< 'XYZcs'
< 'XYZcs'
< &errout
< &errout
< &input
< &input
< &output
< &output
< co-expression_2(0)
< co-expression_2(0)
< co-expression_3(0)
< co-expression_3(0)
< co-expression_4(0)
< co-expression_4(0)
< procedure check
< procedure check
< function image
< function image
< function integer
< function integer
< procedure listtest
< procedure listtest
< procedure main
< procedure main
< procedure messtest
< procedure messtest
< function push
< function push
< record constructor r0
< record constructor r0
< record constructor r1
< record constructor r1
< record constructor r2
< record constructor r2
< record constructor r5
< record constructor r5
< function read
< function read
< function reverse
< function reverse
< function right
< function right
< function serial
< function serial
< function table
< function table
< procedure wlist
< procedure wlist
< function write
< function write
< list_173(0)
< list_174(2)
< list_175(0)
< list_177(3)
< list_179(152)
< list_181(0)
< list_182(2)
< list_183(0)
< list_184(3)
< list_185(151)
< set_59(0)
< set_60(2)
< set_61(3)
< set_62(0)
< set_63(2)
< set_64(3)
< table_5(0)
< table_6(1)
< table_7(0)
< table_8(0)
< table_9(1)
< table_10(0)
< record r0_4(0)
< record r0_5(0)
< record r0_6(0)
< record r0_7(0)
< record r1_2(1)
< record r1_3(1)
< record r1_4(1)
< record r1_5(1)
< record r2_2(2)
< record r2_3(2)
< record r2_4(2)
< record r2_5(2)
< record r5_8(5)
< record r5_9(5)
< record r5_10(5)
< record r5_11(5)
< record r5_12(5)
< record r5_13(5)
< record r5_14(5)
< record r5_15(5)
< &null
< &null
< &null
< &null
< &null
< &null
< -36472996377170786403
< -36472996377170786403
< -27368747340080916343
< -27368747340080916343
< 1
< 1
< 2
< 2
< 3
< 3
< 4
< 4
< 5
< 5
< 37252902984619140625
< 37252902984619140625
< 61159090448414546291
< 61159090448414546291
< 1.1
< 1.1
< 2.2
< 2.2
< 3.3
< 3.3
< 4.4
< 4.4
< 5.5
< 5.5
< ""
< ""
< "a"
< "a"
< "alpha"
< "alpha"
< "beta"
< "beta"
< "delta"
< "delta"
< "epsilon"
< "epsilon"
< "epsilons"
< "epsilons"
< "gamma"
< "gamma"
< "gamma"
< "gamma"
< ''
< ''
< '0cs'
< '0cs'
< '1234cs'
< '1234cs'
< '123cs'
< '123cs'
< 'XYZcs'
< 'XYZcs'
< &errout
< &errout
< &input
< &input
< &output
< &output
< co-expression_2(0)
< co-expression_2(0)
< co-expression_3(0)
< co-expression_3(0)
< co-expression_4(0)
< co-expression_4(0)
< procedure check
< procedure check
< function image
< function image
< function integer
< function integer
< procedure listtest
< procedure listtest
< procedure main
< procedure main
< procedure messtest
< procedure messtest
< function push
< function push
< record constructor r0
< record constructor r0
< record constructor r1
< record constructor r1
< record constructor r2
< record constructor r2
< record constructor r5
< record constructor r5
< function read
< function read
< function reverse
< function reverse
< function right
< function right
< function serial
< function serial
< function table
< function table
< procedure wlist
< procedure wlist
< function write
< function write
< list_173(0)
< list_175(0)
< list_181(0)
< list_183(0)
< key=2 list_177(3)
< key=2 list_184(3)
< key=4 list_174(2)
< key=4 list_182(2)
< key='0cs' list_179(152)
< key='0cs' list_185(151)
< set_59(0)
< set_60(2)
< set_61(3)
< set_62(0)
< set_63(2)
< set_64(3)
< table_5(0)
< table_6(1)
< table_7(0)
< table_8(0)
< table_9(1)
< table_10(0)
< record r0_4(0)
< record r0_5(0)
< record r0_6(0)
< record r0_7(0)
< record r1_2(1)
< record r1_3(1)
< record r1_4(1)
< record r1_5(1)
< key=2 record r2_3(2)
< key=2 record r2_5(2)
< key=2 record r5_10(5)
< key=2 record r5_14(5)
< key=5 record r5_11(5)
< key=5 record r5_15(5)
< key=6 record r2_2(2)
< key=6 record r2_4(2)
< key=8 record r5_9(5)
< key=8 record r5_13(5)
< key=23 record r5_8(5)
< key=23 record r5_12(5)
< &null
< &null
< &null
< &null
< &null
< &null
< -36472996377170786403
< -36472996377170786403
< -27368747340080916343
< -27368747340080916343
< 1
< 1
< 2
< 2
< 3
< 3
< 4
< 4
< 5
< 5
< 37252902984619140625
< 37252902984619140625
< 61159090448414546291
< 61159090448414546291
< 1.1
< 1.1
< 2.2
< 2.2
< 3.3
< 3.3
< 4.4
< 4.4
< 5.5
< 5.5
< ""
< ""
< "a"
< "a"
< "alpha"
< "alpha"
< "beta"
< "beta"
< "delta"
< "delta"
< "epsilon"
< "epsilon"
< "epsilons"
< "epsilons"
< "gamma"
< "gamma"
< "gamma"
< "gamma"
< ''
< ''
< '0cs'
< '0cs'
< '1234cs'
< '1234cs'
< '123cs'
< '123cs'
< 'XYZcs'
< 'XYZcs'
< &errout
< &errout
< &input
< &input
< &output
< &output
< co-expression_2(0)
< co-expression_2(0)
< co-expression_3(0)
< co-expression_3(0)
< co-expression_4(0)
< co-expression_4(0)
< procedure check
< procedure check
< function image
< function image
< function integer
< function integer
< procedure listtest
< procedure listtest
< procedure main
< procedure main
< procedure messtest
< procedure messtest
< function push
< function push
< record constructor r0
< record constructor r0
< record constructor r1
< record constructor r1
< record constructor r2
< record constructor r2
< record constructor r5
< record constructor r5
< function read
< function read
< function reverse
< function reverse
< function right
< function right
< function serial
< function serial
< function table
< function table
< procedure wlist
< procedure wlist
< function write
< function write
< list_173(0)
< list_175(0)
< list_181(0)
< list_183(0)
< key=3 list_177(3)
< key=3 list_184(3)
< key=3 list_185(151)
< key=4 list_174(2)
< key=4 list_182(2)
< key=list_185(151) list_179(152)
< set_59(0)
< set_60(2)
< set_61(3)
< set_62(0)
< set_63(2)
< set_64(3)
< table_5(0)
< table_6(1)
< table_7(0)
< table_8(0)
< table_9(1)
< table_10(0)
< record r0_4(0)
< record r0_5(0)
< record r0_6(0)
< record r0_7(0)
< key=&null record r5_8(5)
< key=&null record r5_9(5)
< key=&null record r5_10(5)
< key=&null record r5_12(5)
< key=&null record r5_13(5)
< key=&null record r5_14(5)
< key=1 record r1_2(1)
< key=1 record r1_4(1)
< key=2 record r2_3(2)
< key=2 record r2_5(2)
< key=5 record r1_3(1)
< key=5 record r1_5(1)
< key=6 record r2_2(2)
< key=6 record r2_4(2)
< key=8 record r5_11(5)
< key=8 record r5_15(5)
Testing statics
Testing string
Testing string1
Testing struct
Testing subjpos
Testing substring
Testing table
Test-icon: line 43: 15233 Bus error               ./$EXE </dev/null >$F.out 2>&1
<        30s : 5 : [0]30 [1]31 [2]32 [3]33 [4]34
<        50s : 5 : [0]50 [1]51 [2]52 [3]53 [4]54
Testing tracer
Testing transmit
Testing trim
Testing var
Testing wordcnt

Tests failed:  ilib sorting table

make[3]: *** [Test] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/build/buildd/icon-9.4.2/tests/general'

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