Robert Collins <> (20/12/2009):
> > So what? Comaintainers are supposed to be subscribed to the PTS
> > and receive mails related to the packages they're supposed to
> > maintain.
> It would be nice if the PTS mailed me, but it doesn't, for whatever
> reason.

Since you're not saying whether you are subscribed, I can't
conclude. But that's an easy situation:
 - either you aren't subscribed, then fix it.
 - or you are, and there's a problem on the PTS side, which you
   probably want to report.

> > Desperate would rather be the word.
> Well, hopefully you will be happy to contact me with less feeling of
> desperation if a future, similar situation arises.

If you:
 - start doing some QA checks before uploading your package;
 - start checking your package builds fine on the buildds;
 - start doing what you have to do (cf. above) to get bug mail;

then I guess I might.


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