and it would not even try to install an updated version if such is
available? i.e. proper imho way would be first to remove all
Build-Conflicts and then only satisfy Build-Depends, and then check if
Build-Conflicts detects any conflict and then only fail.

or it just removes it and then fails since it does not try to
satisfy build-depends again?

looking at install_deps of ./lib/Sbuild/  it seems to have that
loopy behavior where first it removes conflicts and then tries to
install dependencies... may be I am reading it wrong though.

I guess, enough of theory, I will just upload -2 and see how it
goes ;)

On Wed, 13 Jan 2010, Julien Cristau wrote:

> The effect of Build-Conflicts on buildds is that this package gets
> removed.  If this is something you build-depend on, you'll need a
> versioned Build-Depends, not a Build-Conflicts.

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