On Sunday, August 21, 2005 at 03:01AM, Javier Fern?ndez-Sanguino Pe?a wrote:
+        u->scontext = NULL;

Hmm.. this might look like is needed too but I would like Russel to
confirm it.

I don't see a way around it. The only way it can work is if you have selinux 
support enabled, in which case u->scontext will either be NULL or allocated and 
freeable. This is probably why so few reports have come in, most people are using 
debian kernels with selinux enabled.

I originally pulled the other u->scontext = NULL;, but wasn't sure if the security context would ever be set when get_security_context() returns -1. It's working right now without, been runnin for 10 minutes.

Please let me know if the single patch I sent out works for you. I'm
not sure why you are seeing this and nobody else is reporting it...
There's definitely something which is system-specific here but I'm no
SElinux expert.

If it only contains the NULL pointer check, it won't (already tried), Rick will 
probably be able to confirm this when he updates. I'm not familiar with the 
mirroring system, do you think it'll appear shortly or is there a place I can 
go to get packages that are pending approval?


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