Christian Marillat wrote:
> Niels Thykier <> writes:
> [...]
>> Thanks for the bug report. Beginning with the next upload, eclipse will
>> use /usr/bin/java by default (and thus respecting your local alternative).
> start with this dialogbox :
> ,----
> | This Eclipse build doesn't have support for the integrated browser.
> `----

This is a bogus message from the old wrapper script which we have
removed in our development branch (see #402340 for more info).
Ironically enough eclipse crashes because it found an integrable browser.

> and then with this dialogbox :
> ,----
> | An error has occurred. See the log file 
> /home/marillat/workspace/.metadata/.log
> `----
> here is the log :

As mentioned this crash is due to the integrated browser (xulrunner).
eclipse 3.4.1 works with xulrunner 1.9, but (even in stable) we
currently got xulrunner 1.9.1. eclipse 3.5.2 fixes this problem. This
issue in itself is tracked in #507536 (and its 8 merged bugs).
  There has been reports of workarounds, you may want to see the comment
109 and 169 of #507536 [1]. Though please note (in regards to the latter
comment) that eclipse uses the integrated browser for other things (such
as "mouse-over-javadoc" boxes), which may still cause eclipse to crash.

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Christian

I am leaving this bug open, since the original issue is unique. We are
expecting to upload eclipse 3.5.2 on Friday at the latest fixing this
and (approximately) 24 other bugs (including the two others I mentioned).


[1] Links for your convenience:
possibly workarounds:

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