Package:  open-vm-tools
Version:  2010.03.20-243334-3
Severity: grave
Usertags: incorrect-dependency

This change introduced a init.d script dependency loop in the boot
scripts, making it impossible to install the package.

>  open-vm-tools (2010.03.20-243334-3) unstable; urgency=low
>  .
>    * Adding remote_fs to init depends.

The script header now look like this:

# Provides:             open-vm-tools
# Required-Start:       $local_fs $remote_fs
# Required-Stop:        $local_fs $remote_fs
# X-Start-Before:       $network
# X-Stop-After:         $network
# Default-Start:        S
# Default-Stop:         0 1 6
# Description:          Runs the open-vm-tools services
# Short-Description:    Runs the open-vm-tools services

Teh script can not both start before $network, a dependency of
$remote_fs, and start after $remote_fs.  This leads to an impossible
situation.  I do not know the package well enough to know how to fix
it, but either the $remote_fs relation need to go, or the $network
relation need to go.

If possible, I would suggest to start the script in runlevels 2-5
instead of rcS.d/, to move Debian one step closer to a userful single
user mode.  The current setting will create problems when booting into
runlevel 1 (start in rcS.d, stop in rc1.d, and not restarted when
switching to runlevels 2-5), and this should be fixed as well.  A good
fix the script do not have to run before the network is enabled is to
change to this:

  # Default-Start:        2 3 4 5
  # Default-Stop:         0 1 6

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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