On Mon, Apr 05, 2010 at 07:34:05PM +0200, sean finney wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 04, 2010 at 09:47:36PM +0200, sean finney wrote:
> > fixing both of these doesn't fix the problem, though the protoc program
> > does get a tiny bit further before abort()ing.
> also, ConsumeSignedInteger (text_format.cc), usage of enum WireType,
> (wire_format_lite.h), FastUInt32ToBufferLeft (strutil.cc).  there are
> definitely more, but these combined with a non-overflowing fix for the
> previous two hashing functions gets the test suite passing, anyway.

Thanks. I've finally managed to re-test the unpatched sources with the new gcc
for armel, and it still fails (in the same and also in some new places).

Since I honestly don't know that much here, I think it would be best that you
forward this to upstream, to get it integrated. In the meantime, I'll upload a
patched version next week with your diff.


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