
> After the 4 dpkg-reconfigure runs, things seem to be working.  
> That was the end result mentioned above.  That nothing in 
> /etc/clamav changed after the fresh re-install (after purging) was 
> interesting.
> It is hard to see the config files as being broken, if they 
> weren't changed by any of the dpkg-reconfigure runs.
> As I asked, I could easily purge them all again, and reinstall 
> again, to check other things (/var/run ?).  Something must have 
> changed, in order for things to be working now, but not after the 
> initial install.


If you had upgraded from 0.96+dfsg-1, things were kind of expectedly broken,
because it was broken in 0.96+dfsg-1 and 0.96+dfsg-2 happily imported those
files.  Nothing but purge or manual fix would repair this. 


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