On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 05:18:32PM +0200, Laurent Bonnaud wrote:

> > How about producing a coriander-dbg package ?
> I tried to recompile coriander myself from Debian sources to debug this
> problem.  The resulting binary sometimes works (allows me to capture and
> display images) and sometimes segfaults.

Can you provide me with a backtrace (using gdb, with the "bt full" command)
when it does crash?

> Therefore I tried again the official binary provided by the Debian
> binary package and I observe the same behaviour: sometimes works,
> sometimes segfaults.
> Somebody should run coriander with valgrind to find the cause of this
> non deterministic behaviour...

I did do this before I released updated packages in June, but it didn't
complain much... By the way, what model Firewire camera and which Firewire card
or onboard chip do you have?

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
      Guus Sliepen <g...@debian.org>

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