tags 590379 + patch


corelist says perl 5.10.1 already has Module::Build 0.340201 and
Test::More 0.92. There is no need for a build-dep on perl 5.12.0 (which
is not even in unstable yet).

The attached patch lowers the version of the alternative build-dep on
perl accordingly and also make the build-dep on perl itself unversioned
as allowed since version 3.8.3 of the Debian Policy.

diff -u liburi-find-perl-20100505/debian/changelog liburi-find-perl-20100505/debian/changelog
--- liburi-find-perl-20100505/debian/changelog
+++ liburi-find-perl-20100505/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+liburi-find-perl (20100505-1.1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Use perl (>= 5.10.1) instead of perl (>= 5.12.0) as an alternative for
+    libmodule-build-perl and libtest-simple-perl. (Closes: #590379)
+  * Make build-dep on perl unversioned as allowed since Policy 3.8.3.
+ -- Ansgar Burchardt <ans...@43-1.org>  Mon, 26 Jul 2010 16:19:33 +0900
 liburi-find-perl (20100505-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release
diff -u liburi-find-perl-20100505/debian/control liburi-find-perl-20100505/debian/control
--- liburi-find-perl-20100505/debian/control
+++ liburi-find-perl-20100505/debian/control
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Section: perl
 Priority: optional
 Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5)
-Build-Depends-Indep: perl (>= 5.8.0-7), liburi-perl, perl (>= 5.12.0) | libmodule-build-perl (>= 0.3000), perl (>= 5.12.0) | libtest-simple-perl (>= 0.82)
+Build-Depends-Indep: perl, liburi-perl, perl (>= 5.10.1) | libmodule-build-perl (>= 0.3000), perl (>= 5.10.1) | libtest-simple-perl (>= 0.82)
 Maintainer: Dominic Hargreaves <d...@earth.li>
 Standards-Version: 3.8.4
 Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/URI-Find/

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