also sprach Mehdi Dogguy <> [2010.10.25.1222 +0200]:
> I could probably fix this in the postinst by removing the "mv" part in
> "Downloads.ini" section (leaving a backup is probably a good idea too).
> Could you please test and report back?

I don't see a mv part. The file seems to be overwritten with basic
settings, counting on mldonkey to fill in the rest. This seems to be
a problem in the postinst, not upstream. I suggest to populate the
file with cat only if it previously didn't exist, and otherwise
leave everything untouched.

> upstream first. In the meantime, this is not a policy violation since
> those files are handled by the daemon and are changed by the daemon,
> they are *not* user configuration files, nor server configuration files…
> but simply the dump of configuration presently used by the daemon.

They are the persistent configuration store of the daemon. Whether
configuration files or not, fact is that the upgrade overwrites
configuration I made as the admin.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madd...@d.o>      Related projects:
: :'  :  proud Debian developer     
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  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
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 it suddenly does."
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