On Sun, 2010-11-07 at 13:18 -0800, tony mancill wrote:

> Thank you for the link - I haven't been subscribed to mentors for a while and 
> so
> wasn't aware of Patrik Fimml's RFS or your analysis.

I guess you missed this line on the PTS page:

mentors.debian.net has version 2.8.6-1 of this package, you should consider 
sponsoring its upload.


> In the general sense, it's kind of disappointing that there are still 13 year
> old copies of core functionality like blowfish floating around with licensing
> issues.

Indeed :(

> I haven't looked at alternatives all that closely yet, but it seems
> like we need to come up with a DFSG alternative either by disabling the ODc
> plugin or porting to/finding an alternate blowfish implementation.  For the
> latter I'm assuming that libcrypto++-dev is the right choice.  (In Googling
> about for C++ blowfish implementations, Wei Dai's implementation pops up right
> away.)

That has a weird license too. Not sure if it is GPL compatible or not,
please verify that it is before uploading.

Some alternatives:

libnss-dev is LGPLv2.1+ or GPLv2+ 
libgcrypt11-dev is LGPL
libmcrypt-dev is LGPL
libtomcrypt-dev is public domain
libxcrypt-dev is LGPL or more permissive

Fedora is standardising on nss.



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