CC'ing Guido; see below.

Le vendredi 12 novembre 2010 19:06:16 Julien Cristau, vous avez écrit :
> On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 19:03:29 +0100, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:
> > Le vendredi 12 novembre 2010 18:46:23 Julien Cristau, vous avez écrit :
> > > how do you figure that image is a derivative of the logo, making the
> > > logo's copyright license relevant?
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > The derivation is obvious when looking at the images.
> Not to me it ain't.

I knew we would disagree, but I'm fine with this; discussion is healthy.

Let's try to summarize my thoughts:

I consider that any graphical occurence of the "debian" word as it appears 
the Poppl-Laudatio-Condensed font, red dot on i, lower-case) in the Debian Open 
Use Logo "with" the word "debian" (DOUL-with if spelled short) is to be 
considered as a derivative of it. The specific non-DFSG-free license attached 
the DOUL-with is there due to "ongoing concerns about trademarks" (that's on 
[0]). So the trademark is essentially the name "debian" as it appears on the 

My point is that whereever that "debian" trademark appears, it must be 
considered under that restrictive license, otherwise we are basically not 
protecting our trademark. Either it is under the restrictive license and it has 
to be removed from main (as a violation of the DFSG), or it is not and it means 
that anybody can draw a pixel-by-pixel identical "debian" word and do whatever 
he wants with it.

Note that I am open to counter-arguments and discussion on the matter.

Ah; let's try another path. I'm hereby CC'ing Guido Günther, who did provide 
patch adding the logo (#573760).

Guido> Can you ensure us that your patch was an original creation that was not 
derivated from the logo provided on [0] ? 

(If his [GPG-signed] answer is no, then the logo in plymouth would be a 
derivative, making that bug 100% valid IMHO. If it is yes, the logo would not 
technically a derivative [but I would still be considering it as such]; we 
need to pursue the argueing.)

Thanks in advance, cheers,



Didier Raboud, proud Debian Maintainer (DM).
CH-1020 Renens

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