Hi! Pardon the late reply. More comments inline:

On Wed, 17 Nov 2010, Cameron Simpson wrote:

On 15Nov2010 20:52, Asheesh Laroia <paulprot...@debian.org> wrote:
| There's a bug filed in Debian against adzapper because the SWF files
| in the source tarball you ship don't have source code available. I'm
| emailing you to explain the problem in further detail, and to
| explain to you that we have a solution.
| Take a look at
| http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=591193 , in
| particular the comment toward the top by Gerfried Fuchs (Rhonda)
| that explains what it means to have source for SWF files.
| Do you happen to have the .FLA or .AS files that were used to
| generate the SWF files you have in the adzapper package?

Alas, no. They were donated. I could find the author. I think...

If you could, then it'd be cool to get the original files' source. If not (see below)...

| It's actually quite okay if not -- the extraordinary Chris Butler
| submitted a patch to the adzapper package (toward the bottom of the
| discussion) that uses a Perl library to generate the SWF files. So
| if you want, you can use that recipe to regenerate the SWF files you
| ship in your tarball.
| The reason I bring all this up is that since Debian is committed to
| only shipping software compliant with the Debian Free Software
| Guidelines, it's considered a release-critical bug if we package and
| distribute things for which we do not have source code. So I wonder:
| Is this something where you'd be willing to do a new release that
| uses SWF files generated by Chris Butler's code?

Absolutely. As long as they closely resemble what's there now it's all

It seems that Debian has packaged a version already that uses Chris Butler's code. (Further discussioh sits at http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=591193 )

| If you're willing to do that soon, then Debian will likely ship that
| version in squeeze, the upcoming release. If not, then Debian will
| likely carry a patch to use Chris's SWF files instead of the ones
| that you distribute in the tarball.
| Hope you're well, and thanks for making and sharing adzapper!

Sahll I grab his patch from the bug and update my sources?

I think that would be great.

BTW, how are you staying up to date with this? I ask because SourceForge broke my rsync-to-adzapper.sf.net and I haven't yet found a way to update that page that doesn't involve a manual password entry for the ssh:-(

In a pinch, you could try using 'expect' to automate typing the password, but that's a pretty sad situatiohn.

In consequence the web page is somewhat out of date and I need to fix that. I can punt you the latest zapper by hand if you want it, also.

That'd be useful, but I'm not the primary maintainer of adzapper. You should get in touch with that person, but if that doesn't work, I can step in as a last resort. (-:

I think that covers everything. Thanks for replying quickly!

-- Asheesh.

Lay on, MacDuff, and curs'd be him who first cries, "Hold, enough!".
                -- Shakespeare

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