found 606268 0.6.6-3

Hi Joey

On 08.12.2010 00:19, Joey Hess wrote:

>> Are you suggesting to create a keyfile connection based on the configuration
>> from /etc/network/interfaces?
> I'm suggesting that network-manager needs to deal with standard
> interfaces files as generated by d-i, and that its current code to do
> that is buggy, and that this is a release critical bug.

Could you please post further examples of such interfaces files generated by
d-i, especially wireless configurations.

Please also note that e.g. if you setup your (ethernet) connection using a
static IP configuration, we do not comment such interface configurations either.

So the issue about NM not managing certain devices extends to ethernet
interfaces as well and this behaviour has been so ever since lenny, so I'll mark
this bug accordingly.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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