On Tue, 21 Dec 2010 16:09:55 +0100 Ulrich Hansen wrote:

> >>  * there does not seem to be any clear copyright notice
> >>    (with years and copyright holders) and license for
> >>    debian-security.xcf, which is derived from the DOUL
> >>    (under the Expat/MIT license) and from a GNOME icon
> >>    (under which license?!?)
> > “created” and “updated” looks to me like pretty clear, though years 
> > are
> > missing. Will ping initial author to get some information.
>  I did a short Web research. If you want it more precisely, write:
>  ----------
>  The  debian-security.xcf  file  (and  the resulting  .png  file)  was 
>  created
>  by Colin Walters <walt...@debian.org> in 2002  and updated by Ulrich 
>  Hansen
>  <uhan...@mainz-online.de> in 2010. They are based on the Debian “Open 
>  Use” (without
>  “Debian” word) logo and the lock-button from GNOME 1.4.
>  -----------
>  I am not _absolutely_ sure about Colin Walters creation date of 
>  debian-security.xcf. But I guessed that it would be 2002, as according 
>  to the header of the ./debian/copyright file he debianized the package 
>  in 2002 and that was exactly when the icon from Gnome 1.4 (Woody) was in 
>  use.
>  The lock icon comes from Gnome 1.4, look at the picture in the 
>  handbook:
>  http://www.linuxselfhelp.com/gnome/users-guide/specialobjects.html
>  Hope this helps

Yes, I think it helps a lot!
Thank you very much!

Now we should try hard to find out the copyright notice and license for
that old GNOME 1.4 lock-button.

As an aside, I remember very well that lock-button: I used to use it on
the GNOME panel some 10 years ago on my GNOME 1.x desktop...
Unfortunately, I don't know who is the copyright holder and under which
precise license it was released.    :-(

As an alternative strategy to solve this issue, I am currently
considering the possibility of creating a new debian-security.png from
scratch, based on Debian “Open Use” (without “Debian” word) logo and on
a public domain clipart, such as
or maybe
If this is considered a good idea, I could probably make an attempt
later this evening. Please let me know...

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