Package: gir-repository
Version: 0.6.5-7
Severity: serious

While building a backport of this package, the build fails with the
following error:

/usr/bin/g-ir-scanner -v --namespace Avahi --nsversion=0.6 \
             --strip-prefix=Ga \
             --add-include-path=. --add-include-path=. \
             --include=AvahiCore-0.6 \
             --include=GObject-2.0 \
             --library=avahi-gobject \
             --libtool="/bin/sh ../libtool" \
             --output Avahi-0.6.gir \
             --pkg avahi-gobject \
             `pkg-config --variable=includedir avahi-gobject`/avahi-gobject/*.h
/usr/bin/g-ir-scanner -v --namespace Babl --nsversion=0.0 \
            --add-include-path=. --add-include-path=. \
            --include=GObject-2.0 \
            --library=babl-0.0 \
            --libtool="/bin/sh ../libtool" \
            --output Babl-0.0.gir \
            --pkg babl \
            `pkg-config --variable=includedir babl`/babl-0.0/babl/*.h
In file included from <stdin>:4:
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-component.h:20:2: error: #error this file is 
only to be included by babl.h
In file included from <stdin>:5:
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-conversion.h:20:2: error: #error this file is 
only to be included by babl.h
In file included from <stdin>:6:
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-extension.h:20:2: error: #error this file is 
only to be included by babl.h
In file included from <stdin>:7:
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-fish.h:20:2: error: #error this file is only to 
be included by babl.h
In file included from <stdin>:8:
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-format.h:20:2: error: #error this file is only 
to be included by babl.h
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-component.h:26: syntax error, unexpected 
identifier in 'BABL_NAMED_CLASS (component);' at 'BABL_NAMED_CLASS'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-component.h:32: syntax error, unexpected 
identifier, expecting ')' or ',' in 'void babl_component_each (BablEachFunction 
each_fun,' at 'each_fun'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-component.h:33: syntax error, unexpected ')', 
expecting ',' or ';' in '                        void *user_data);' at ')'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-component.h:34: syntax error, unexpected ')', 
expecting ',' or ';' in 'Babl * babl_component (const char *name);' at ')'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-component.h:36: syntax error, unexpected 
ELLIPSIS, expecting identifier or '(' or '*' in '                        ...) 
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-component.h:40: syntax error, unexpected 
identifier in '  BablInstance instance;' at 'BablInstance'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-component.h:44: syntax error, unexpected '}' in 
'} BablComponent;' at '}'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-conversion.h:34: syntax error, unexpected 
identifier, expecting ')' or ',' in 'void babl_conversion_each 
(BablEachFunction each_fun,' at 'each_fun'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-conversion.h:35: syntax error, unexpected ')', 
expecting ',' or ';' in '                        void *user_data);' at ')'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-conversion.h:36: syntax error, unexpected ')', 
expecting ',' or ';' in 'Babl * babl_conversion (const char *name);' at ')'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-conversion.h:38: syntax error, unexpected 
ELLIPSIS, expecting identifier or '(' or '*' in '                        ...) 
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-conversion.h:65: syntax error, unexpected 
identifier in '  BablInstance instance;' at 'BablInstance'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-conversion.h:78: syntax error, unexpected '}' 
in '} BablConversion;' at '}'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-extension.h:30: syntax error, unexpected 
identifier, expecting ')' or ',' in 'void babl_extension_each (BablEachFunction 
each_fun,' at 'each_fun'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-extension.h:31: syntax error, unexpected ')', 
expecting ',' or ';' in '                        void *user_data);' at ')'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-extension.h:32: syntax error, unexpected ')', 
expecting ',' or ';' in 'Babl * babl_extension (const char *name);' at ')'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-extension.h:34: syntax error, unexpected 
ELLIPSIS, expecting identifier or '(' or '*' in '                        ...) 
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-extension.h:38: syntax error, unexpected 
identifier in '  BablInstance instance; /* path to .so / .dll is stored in 
instance name */' at 'BablInstance'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-extension.h:41: syntax error, unexpected '}' in 
'} BablExtension;' at '}'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-fish.h:31: syntax error, unexpected CONST, 
expecting identifier or '(' or '*' in '                        const void 
*destination_format);' at 'const'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-fish.h:31: syntax error, unexpected ')', 
expecting ',' or ';' in '                        const void 
*destination_format);' at ')'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-fish.h:36: syntax error, unexpected '*', 
expecting ')' or ',' in 'long babl_process (Babl *babl_fish,' at '*'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-fish.h:38: syntax error, unexpected VOID, 
expecting identifier or '(' or '*' in '                        void 
*destination,' at 'void'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-fish.h:39: syntax error, unexpected LONG, 
expecting identifier or '(' or '*' in '                        long n);' at 
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-fish.h:42: syntax error, unexpected identifier, 
expecting ')' or ',' in 'void babl_fish_each (BablEachFunction each_fun,' at 
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-fish.h:43: syntax error, unexpected ')', 
expecting ',' or ';' in '                        void *user_data);' at ')'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-fish.h:49: syntax error, unexpected identifier 
in '  BablInstance instance;' at 'BablInstance'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-fish.h:59: syntax error, unexpected '}' in '} 
BablFish;' at '}'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-fish.h:69: syntax error, unexpected identifier 
in '  BablFish fish;' at 'BablFish'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-fish.h:85: syntax error, unexpected identifier 
in '  BablFish fish;' at 'BablFish'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-fish.h:88: syntax error, unexpected identifier 
in '  BablList *conversion_list;' at 'BablList'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-fish.h:106: syntax error, unexpected identifier 
in '  BablFish fish;' at 'BablFish'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-format.h:44: syntax error, unexpected 
identifier, expecting ')' or ',' in 'void babl_format_each (BablEachFunction 
each_fun,' at 'each_fun'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-format.h:45: syntax error, unexpected ')', 
expecting ',' or ';' in '                          void *user_data);' at ')'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-format.h:46: syntax error, unexpected ')', 
expecting ',' or ';' in 'Babl * babl_format (const char *name);' at ')'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-format.h:48: syntax error, unexpected ELLIPSIS, 
expecting identifier or '(' or '*' in '                          ...) 
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-format.h:52: syntax error, unexpected 
identifier in '  BablInstance instance;' at 'BablInstance'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-format.h:55: syntax error, unexpected 
identifier in '  BablComponent **component;' at 'BablComponent'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-format.h:60: syntax error, unexpected 
identifier in '  BablSampling **sampling;' at 'BablSampling'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-format.h:68: syntax error, unexpected '}' in '} 
BablFormat;' at '}'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-conversion.h:41: syntax error, unexpected 
typedef-name, expecting identifier or '(' in 'typedef long (*BablFuncLinear) 
(char *src,' at 'BablFuncLinear'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-conversion.h:42: syntax error, unexpected CHAR, 
expecting identifier or '(' or '*' in '                                   char 
*dst,' at 'char'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-conversion.h:43: syntax error, unexpected LONG, 
expecting identifier or '(' or '*' in '                                   long 
n);' at 'long'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-conversion.h:48: syntax error, unexpected 
typedef-name, expecting identifier or '(' in 'typedef long (*BablFuncPlane) 
(char *src,' at 'BablFuncPlane'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-conversion.h:49: syntax error, unexpected CHAR, 
expecting identifier or '(' or '*' in '                                   char 
*dst,' at 'char'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-conversion.h:50: syntax error, unexpected INT, 
expecting identifier or '(' or '*' in '                                   int 
src_pitch,' at 'int'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-conversion.h:51: syntax error, unexpected INT, 
expecting identifier or '(' or '*' in '                                   int 
dst_pitch,' at 'int'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-conversion.h:52: syntax error, unexpected LONG, 
expecting identifier or '(' or '*' in '                                   long 
n);' at 'long'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-conversion.h:55: syntax error, unexpected 
typedef-name, expecting identifier or '(' in 'typedef long (*BablFuncPlanar) 
(int src_bands,' at 'BablFuncPlanar'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-conversion.h:56: syntax error, unexpected CHAR, 
expecting identifier or '(' or '*' in '                                   char 
*src[],' at 'char'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-conversion.h:57: syntax error, unexpected INT, 
expecting identifier or '(' or '*' in '                                   int 
src_pitch[],' at 'int'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-conversion.h:58: syntax error, unexpected INT, 
expecting identifier or '(' or '*' in '                                   int 
dst_bands,' at 'int'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-conversion.h:59: syntax error, unexpected CHAR, 
expecting identifier or '(' or '*' in '                                   char 
*dst[],' at 'char'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-conversion.h:60: syntax error, unexpected INT, 
expecting identifier or '(' or '*' in '                                   int 
dst_pitch[],' at 'int'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-conversion.h:61: syntax error, unexpected LONG, 
expecting identifier or '(' or '*' in '                                   long 
n);' at 'long'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-image.h:25: syntax error, unexpected identifier 
in 'BABL_CLASS (image);' at 'BABL_CLASS'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-model.h:25: syntax error, unexpected identifier 
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-sampling.h:25: syntax error, unexpected 
identifier in 'BABL_CLASS (sampling);' at 'BABL_CLASS'
/usr/include/babl-0.0/babl/babl-type.h:25: syntax error, unexpected identifier 
/usr/bin/g-ir-scanner -v --namespace Nautilus --nsversion=1.0 \
            --add-include-path=. --add-include-path=\
            --include=Gtk-2.0 \
            --library=nautilus-extension \
            --libtool="/bin/sh ../libtool" \
            --output Nautilus-1.0.gir \
            --pkg libnautilus-extension \
            --pkg gtk+-2.0 \
            `pkg-config --variable=includedir 
/usr/bin/g-ir-compiler --includedir=. --includedir=.  AvahiCore-0.6.gir -o 
/usr/bin/g-ir-compiler --includedir=. --includedir=.  DBus-1.0.gir -o 
/usr/bin/g-ir-compiler --includedir=. --includedir=.  GConf-2.0.gir -o 
/usr/bin/g-ir-compiler --includedir=. --includedir=.  Soup-2.4.gir -o 
/usr/bin/g-ir-compiler --includedir=. --includedir=.  GnomeKeyring-2.0.gir -o 
/usr/bin/g-ir-compiler --includedir=. --includedir=.  Pango-1.0.gir -o 
/usr/bin/g-ir-compiler --includedir=. --includedir=.  PangoFT2-1.0.gir -o 
/usr/bin/g-ir-compiler --includedir=. --includedir=.  PangoCairo-1.0.gir -o 
/usr/bin/g-ir-compiler --includedir=. --includedir=.  PangoXft-1.0.gir -o 
/usr/bin/g-ir-compiler --includedir=. --includedir=.  PangoX-1.0.gir -o 
/usr/bin/g-ir-compiler --includedir=. --includedir=.  Poppler-0.8.gir -o 
/usr/bin/g-ir-compiler --includedir=. --includedir=.  Atk-1.0.gir -o 
/usr/bin/g-ir-compiler --includedir=. --includedir=.  GdkPixbuf-2.0.gir -o 
/usr/bin/g-ir-compiler --includedir=. --includedir=.  Gdk-2.0.gir -o 
/usr/bin/g-ir-compiler --includedir=. --includedir=.  Gtk-2.0.gir -o 
/usr/bin/g-ir-compiler --includedir=. --includedir=.  Notify-0.4.gir -o 
/usr/bin/g-ir-compiler --includedir=. --includedir=.  GtkSource-2.2.gir -o 
/usr/bin/g-ir-compiler --includedir=. --includedir=.  GooCanvas-0.10.gir -o 
/usr/bin/g-ir-compiler --includedir=. --includedir=.  Avahi-0.6.gir -o 
/usr/bin/g-ir-compiler --includedir=. --includedir=.  Babl-0.0.gir -o 
/usr/bin/g-ir-compiler --includedir=. --includedir=.  Nautilus-1.0.gir -o 

** WARNING **: Entry 'GnomeVFSFileInfo' not found
make[3]: *** [Nautilus-1.0.typelib] Aborted
make[3]: Leaving directory `/gir-repository-0.6.5/gir'
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/gir-repository-0.6.5'
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/gir-repository-0.6.5'
make: *** [debian/stamp-makefile-build] Error 2
dpkg-buildpackage: failure: debian/rules build gave error exit status 2
debuild: fatal error at line 1319:
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -D -us -uc -sa -v0.6.5-4 failed

I'm assuming that there needs to be a versioned build-dep on
libnautilus-extension-dev >= 2.30 (lenny's version is 2.20), though I was
unable to test it due to a lack of backported libnautilus-extension-dev.

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