You really can't just unilaterally change the cons25 terminfo entry.  If
this proposed change is implemented, people running stock FreeBSD will
have their consoles broken if they log into a Debian system.  If
kFreeBSD needs different settings than the stock cons25 entry, it needs
to create and use a different TERM type.

Yes, changing cons25 terminfo entry is no option.
The creating of completely new terminfo entry is also no option,
as it means the new entry would be unknown on all other systems.
Moreover it would need changes to some other packages, at least sysvinit.

The new entry would presumably be pushed to ncurses upstream, who has
already weighed in here.  I'll write the terminfo entry myself and
attach it to this bug.  Assuming I can test this with kvm, I'll also
look at patching sysvinit and seeing what breaks.

My proposed name for the terminal name is cons25-debian, but you're
obviously free to change it to something more suitable.  Also feel free
to point me towards programs that break that I should test.  Obviously,
I'll be testing vim.

I am still unsure whether this is the right way to go.
It seems that current plain FreeBSD kernel generates events
that fully corresponds to cons25 entry.

It just uses different definitions for kbs and kdch1 wrt Linux,

Linux:          kbs=\177 kdch1=\E[3~
FreeBSD/cons25s kbs=^H   kdch1=\177

The problem might be incorect "stty erase" setting,
programs that do not honor these settings
or some workarounds in programs.

It seems that upstream FreeBSD plans to switch their $TERM into xterm,


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