Norbert Preining <> wrote:

> On So, 09 Jan 2011, Norbert Preining wrote:
>> > I think you can make yout patch cleaner
>> > by replacing /var/lib/texmf with $TEXMFSYSVARDIR,
>> > as this avoids new instances of hard-coded paths:
>> And where is $TEXMFSYVARDIR defined?
> Umpf, yes, it is, sorry. Complicated the origin of all this code ...
> common.variables ...

I am sure this file made lots of sense bach when we had tex-common,
tetex and texlive, all with separate update cycles.  Now with only
texlive having a separate upstream, we could maybe get rid of it, and
simply manually change in tex-common what the new TeX Live upstream
version requires. 

But I'm not sure.

Regards, Frank
Dr. Frank Küster
VCD Miltenberg, ADFC Aschaffenburg-Miltenberg
B90/Grüne KV Miltenberg
Debian Developer (TeXLive)

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