reopen 608968

I've been encountering similar errors when attempting to upgrade from
0.9~rc2-2 to 0.9~rc2-3 or (now) 0.9-1, and would suggest adjusting
zutils's preinst script to establish the diversions whenever they're
absent, even when upgrading from an older version.

Here's the sequence of events, AFAICT:
- ftpmaster approves zutils, with the side effect of letting in
  zutils_0.3-1_all.deb in addition to zutils_0.9~rc2-2_i386.deb.
- I see an interesting new package called zutils and proceed to install
  it, but wind up with 0.3-1 because 0.9~rc2-2 isn't yet available on my
  architecture (amd64).
- I upgrade to 0.9~rc2-2; the preinst doesn't establish any diversions
  because I was technically upgrading, and I see no file conflicts
  because zutils still installs into /usr/bin.
- I attempt to upgrade further and run into conflicts.

I acknowledge that I can work around this bug easily enough by
temporarily uninstalling zutils, but would still recommend making its
preinst script more robust; could you please do so?


Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at, ucko at |

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