Package: calibre
Followup-For: Bug #609581

fwiw, some background history and modern day reading..

- poppler is a fork of xpdf, which (apparently) at the time of forking
was GPL2 only. thus poppler became GPL2 only as well.

- in the mean time, xpdf, under the same author/company, and in the advent of
GPL3, has now become GPL2+.
  author contact: Derek B. Noonburg <derekn  foolabs com>
but that little "+" was missing at the time of poppler forking.

- poppler asks that all contributions be given as GPL2+. so they are thinking
about it.
(contact info for poppler given on that page)

so we have all actors and code moved to GPL2+ in principal, only the pedantic
twists of copyright law to satisfy. I've seen worse.

two easy ways out:
- poppler sync to a newer GPL2+ release of xpdf (not suitable in squeeze 
- someone, preferably a poppler dev, approach Derek and ask for a 
of his (c)2004 xpdf as GPL2+. Then poppler adjust their READMEs as needed, 
a no-other-change tarball, the package gets rebuilt, and we can all get on with
more productive pursuits.

- as noted, calibre upstream has synced to GPL2+ as well. again, rebuild as 
against the 0-diff GPL2+ release of calibre, or just ask calibre upstream for
a relicense/reissue of the older code used in the .deb under the GPL2+.

I ack the problem, but it all seems a little academic.. I suppose the clearest
path is for calibre to pressure poppler to prepare+release a clean & clear GPL2+
cut so this problem doesn't come up again in future. but easiest solution seems
a few emails from the authors saying "+ is fine" appented to the shipped COPYING


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