Are you this isn't something else? This part from the postinst script is
a bit weird:

the postinst does:

if [ "x$1" = xconfigure ]; then
        if [ ! `getent group snmp >/dev/null` ]; then
                 deluser --quiet --system snmp
        adduser --quiet --system --group --no-create-home --home
/var/lib/snmp snmp
        chown -R snmp:snmp /var/lib/snmp

On my system (real system, not chroot, virtual machine etc.), I've
noticed this doesn't work because I've configured it to backup user home
directories when the user is deleted; so I get a lot of lines like:

/usr/sbin/deluser: Cannot handle special file /proc/28732/fd/1

The test [ ! `getent group snmp >/dev/null` ] will, as far as I can
tell, always be false (`somecommand >/dev/null` will always result in ''
so the test is effectively [ ! '' ]):

luci@lucifer:~$ [ ! `getent group root >/dev/null` ] && echo foo
luci@lucifer:~$ [ ! `getent group lala >/dev/null` ] && echo foo

Are you sure it shouldn't have been:
if ! `getent group snmp >/dev/null`; then

luci@lucifer:~$ ! getent group root >/dev/null && echo foo
luci@lucifer:~$ ! getent group lala >/dev/null && echo foo

Luci Stanescu

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