excerpt from the irc log:

<mbiebl> If I run polkit-gnome 0.104 with glib 2.28.x it fails spectacularly
<mbiebl> my guess so far is because of
<jaliste> cosimoc, thanks
<mbiebl> I'm getting (polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1:21485):
GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_closure_invoke: assertion `closure->marshal
|| closure->meta_marshal' failed
<ioni> mbiebl, i guess glib requirement should be bumped
<mbiebl> ioni: problem is, even if you bump the build time requirement
<mbiebl> the problem is, that you can't enforce that via a runtime dep
<ioni> works for me with glib 2.30
<mbiebl> I get your point
<danw> you can specify "g_cclosure_marshal_generic" explicitly instead
of NULL. then it would end up requiring a symbol in 2.30
<mbiebl> danw: thanks, that's a good idea
<mbiebl> or is the glib marshaller supposed to work in 2.28?
<danw> the generic marshaller was added in 2.30, along with the
convention that passing NULL means "use the generic marshaller"
<mbiebl> I guess if the symbol is 2.30 specific, that answers this
question :-)
<mbiebl> danw: if applications silently break because of this, passing
NULL is probably not a good idea then
<danw> well, they only break if this is the *only* new 2.30 feature you use
<danw> but yes, in hindsight, not great

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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