Hi Francois,

On Sat, Nov 05, 2011 at 11:37:17PM +1300, Francois Marier wrote:
> On 2011-11-01 at 13:51:25, Christian Garbs wrote:

> > Now I'm looking for somebody to sponsor my upload.
> I'm happy to sponsor this upload, but I think you might want to fix a few
> minor things first:

Ooops, I ran the new build under stable, not in my sid-chroot.
If fixed those minor things and some more.
> I would have submitted a pull request for these, but I don't think
> you have a public packaging repo :)

Now there is one and you have write access :)


The branches are as follows:

  Main development in unstable.

  The "backported" fix for squeeze/stable.

  Squeeze rebuild for my personal repository.

For unstable, I've provided the following packages:


I'd be happy if you would sponsor them.

> > What has to be done to get this update into stable (or volatile)?
> > Currently the package is completely unusuable, waiting
> > for the next stable release is not really an option.
> For stable (and/or squeze-updates, which is the new name for volatile), what
> you'd need I think is a package where the only change is the new upstream
> version (no other changes to the packaging).

On the squeeze branch, I took the old squeeze package and simply
updated the upstream package.

I did not even change the package description, so it still says
"freshmeat.net", is that ok?

And I just released, that I now have two versions calles 0.7.2-1 --
the first fixed version for unstable and the new minimal fix for
stable.  Should I change it to something like 0.7.2-1stable?
Or is this handled by the distribution field?

If you give the OK, I will build the packages, sign them and post the
URLs here.
> Then I believe you need to let debian-release know about the package so that
> they can approve it http://lists.debian.org/debian-release/ before it gets
> uploaded to a different queue. If you prepare the package, I can take care
> of this part if you like.

This would be great!


"Good health" is merely the slowest rate at which one can die.

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