tag 652769 +patch


Configure uses "import opencv" for check of the library of opencv.
However, it is necessary to use "import cv" from opencv 2.2.

I created a patch which revice this problem.
I attached. Could you check with this patch?

Best regards,

Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
   iwamatsu at {nigauri.org / debian.org}
   GPG ID: 40AD1FA6
--- gnome-mousetrap-0.4.orig/configure.in
+++ gnome-mousetrap-0.4/configure.in
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ AM_CHECK_PYMOD(gettext,,,[AC_MSG_ERROR(C
 AM_CHECK_PYMOD(getopt,,,[AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not find python module getopt)])
 AM_CHECK_PYMOD(Xlib,,,[AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not find python module Xlib)])
 AM_CHECK_PYMOD(pyatspi,,,[AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not find python module pyatspi)])
-AM_CHECK_PYMOD(opencv,,,[AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not find python module opencv)])
+AM_CHECK_PYMOD(cv,,,[AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not find python module opencv)])
 AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_LOUIS, test x$have_liblouis = "xyes")

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