package cdw
tags 324803 patch

The buffer used in sscanf is just a bit too small (typo?). The 
attached patch fixes the bug.
--- cdw-0.2.3/src/options.c	2004-03-07 11:12:00.000000000 +0100
+++ cdw-0.2.3patch/src/options.c	2005-10-16 16:26:23.000000000 +0200
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
 struct conf read_conf()
     FILE *conffile;
-    char home[256], confhome[256], opt[20], prop[256];
+    char home[256], confhome[256], opt[31], prop[256];
     int line=0;
     sprintf(home,"%s", getenv("HOME"));

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