
Benjamin Mesing <bensm...@gmx.net> (03/05/2012):
> Packagesearch is practically ready for release, but I am currently
> blocked by a bug witin libept (#670569) which returns the short
> instead of the long description making packagesearch somewhat useless.
> I would have prepared to have this one ironed out before, but I depend
> on Enrico there. However, it seems, that the problem occurs even for
> current versions of packagesearch with a recent libept, so I might as
> well upload a new version now and hope for the problem to go away once
> a fixed libept gets uploaded.

thanks for pointing out that libept issue.

> I will try to make some time this weekend.

Any progress on this one? We'd really be happy to have the apt
transition move on, and that FTBFS is still a blocker currently. Please
let me know if you need any help with the upload.

goplay was just fixed, libept1 needs a decruft but is otherwise OK. So
basically sorting out the s390x mess and fixing qapt would be the last
bits (and I'll look into fixing the latter) from a very quick look at


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