--- Begin Message ---
Package: libgivaro-dev
Version: 3.2.13-1.2
Severity: serious
Tags: upstream
givaro's includes are causing errors for linbox when building with GCC 4.7
(Bug#667264) -- patch attached:
../../linbox/field/givaro-gfq.h:137:25: required from here
/usr/include/givaro/givpoly1proot.inl:289:15: error: 'degree' was not declared
in this scope, and no declarations were found by argument-dependent lookup at
the point of instantiation [-fpermissive]
/usr/include/givaro/givpoly1proot.inl:289:15: note: declarations in dependent
base 'Poly1Dom<GFqDom<int>, Dense>' are not found by unqualified lookup
/usr/include/givaro/givpoly1proot.inl:289:15: note: use 'this->degree' instead
../../linbox/ring/givaro-polynomial.h:164:68: required from here
/usr/include/givaro/givpoly1factor.inl:168:16: error: 'degree' was not declared
in this scope, and no declarations were found by argument-dependent lookup at
the point of instantiation [-fpermissive]
/usr/include/givaro/givpoly1factor.inl:168:16: note: declarations in dependent
base 'Poly1Dom<LinBox::Modular<double>, Dense>' are not found by unqualified
/usr/include/givaro/givpoly1factor.inl:168:16: note: use 'this->degree' instead
../../linbox/field/givaro-gfq.h:100:75: required from here
/usr/include/givaro/givintnumtheo.inl:405:5: error: 'isleq' was not declared in
this scope, and no declarations were found by argument-dependent lookup at the
point of instantiation [-fpermissive]
/usr/include/givaro/givintnumtheo.inl:405:5: note: declarations in dependent
base 'IntegerDom' are not found by unqualified lookup
/usr/include/givaro/givintnumtheo.inl:405:5: note: use 'this->isleq' instead
--- givaro-3.2.13~/src/kernel/integer/givintnumtheo.inl
+++ givaro-3.2.13/src/kernel/integer/givintnumtheo.inl
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
// =================================================================== //
template<class RandIter>
typename IntNumTheoDom<RandIter>::Rep& IntNumTheoDom<RandIter>::phi(Rep& res,
const Rep& n) const {
- if (isleq(n,1)) return res=n;
- if (isleq(n,3)) return sub(res,n,this->one);
+ if (this->isleq(n,1)) return res=n;
+ if (this->isleq(n,3)) return this->sub(res,n,this->one);
std::list<Rep> Lf;
//return phi (res,Lf,n);
@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@
template<class RandIter>
template< template<class, class> class Container, template<class> class Alloc>
typename IntNumTheoDom<RandIter>::Rep& IntNumTheoDom<RandIter>::phi(Rep& res,
const Container<Rep, Alloc<Rep> >& Lf, const Rep& n) const {
- if (isleq(n,1)) return res=n;
- if (isleq(n,3)) return sub(res,n,this->one);
+ if (this->isleq(n,1)) return res=n;
+ if (this->isleq(n,3)) return this->sub(res,n,this->one);
res = n; Rep t,m;
for(typename Container<Rep, Alloc<Rep> >::const_iterator f=Lf.begin();
f!=Lf.end(); ++f)
- mul(res, divexact(t,res,*f), sub(m, *f, this->one));
+ this->mul(res, this->divexact(t,res,*f), this->sub(m, *f, this->one));
return res;
@@ -402,8 +402,8 @@
typename IntNumTheoDom<RandIter>::Rep&
IntNumTheoDom<RandIter>::lowest_prim_root(Rep& A, const Rep& n) const {
// n must be in {2,4,p^m,2p^m} where p is an odd prime
// else returns zero
- if (isleq(n,4)) return sub(A,n,this->one);
- if (isZero(mod(A,n,4))) return A=this->zero;
+ if (this->isleq(n,4)) return this->sub(A,n,this->one);
+ if (isZero(this->mod(A,n,4))) return A=this->zero;
Rep phin, tmp;
std::list<Rep> Lf;
@@ -412,15 +412,15 @@
int found=0;
- for(A = 2;(isleq(A,n) && (! found));addin(A,1)) {
+ for(A = 2;(this->isleq(A,n) && (! found));this->addin(A,1)) {
if (isOne(gcd(tmp,A,n))) {
found = 1;
for(f=Lf.begin();(f!=Lf.end() && found);f++)
found = (! isOne( this->powmod(tmp,A,*f,n)) );
- if (isleq(A,n))
- return subin(A,1);
+ if (this->isleq(A,n))
+ return this->subin(A,1);
return A=this->zero;
--- givaro-3.2.13~/src/library/poly1/givpoly1factor.inl
+++ givaro-3.2.13/src/library/poly1/givpoly1factor.inl
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
, Residu_t MOD) const {
typename Domain::Element one;
_domain.init(one, 1UL);
- Degree dG;degree(dG,G);
+ Degree dG;this->degree(dG,G);
if (dG == d)
else {
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
while (! splitted) {
Rep tmp, G1;
this->gcd(G1, G, this->random(_g, tmp, dG-1));
- Degree dG1; degree(dG1,G1);
+ Degree dG1; this->degree(dG1,G1);
// write(std::cerr << "SF rd: ", tmp) << std::endl;
// write(std::cerr << "SF G1: ", G1) << std::endl;
if ( dG1 != dG) {
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
Integer pp = (power(Integer(MOD), d.value()) - 1)/2;
// std::cerr << "pp: " << pp << std::endl;
Rep tp, tp2, G2;
- this->gcd(G2,G, sub(tp2, this->powmod(tp, tmp, pp, G) , one) );
- Degree dG2; degree(dG2,G2);
+ this->gcd(G2,G, this->sub(tp2, this->powmod(tp, tmp, pp, G) ,
one) );
+ Degree dG2; this->degree(dG2,G2);
// write(std::cerr << "SF t2: ", tp2) << std::endl;
// write(std::cerr << "SF G2: ", G2) << std::endl;
if ( dG2 != dG) {
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
SplitFactor ( L, G2, d, MOD) ;
- Rep G3; this->gcd(G3, G, add(tp2,tp,one) );
- Degree dG3; degree(dG3,G3);
+ Rep G3; this->gcd(G3, G, this->add(tp2,tp,one) );
+ Degree dG3; this->degree(dG3,G3);
// write(std::cerr << "SF t3: ", tp2) << std::endl;
// write(std::cerr << "SF G3: ", G3) << std::endl;
if (( dG3 != dG) && (dG3 > 0 )) {
@@ -133,21 +133,21 @@
// write(std::cerr << "DD in: ", f) << std::endl;
Rep W, D, P = f;
Degree dP;
- Rep Unit, G1; init(Unit, Degree(1), one);
+ Rep Unit, G1; this->init(Unit, Degree(1), one);
- degree(dP,P); Degree dPo = (dP/2);
+ this->degree(dP,P); Degree dPo = (dP/2);
for(Degree dp = 1; dp <= dPo; ++dp) {
// std::cerr << "DD degree: " << dp << std::endl;
this->powmod(W, D.copy(W), MOD, P);
- this->gcd (G1,sub(D,W,Unit), P) ;
- Degree dG1; degree(dG1,G1);
+ this->gcd (G1,this->sub(D,W,Unit), P) ;
+ Degree dG1; this->degree(dG1,G1);
// write(std::cerr << "DD found: ", G1) << ", of degree " << dG1 << std::endl;
if ( dG1 > 0 ) {
SplitFactor (L, G1, dp, MOD);
- divin(P,G1);
+ this->divin(P,G1);
- degree(dP,P);
+ this->degree(dP,P);
if (dP > 0)
// write(std::cerr << "DD: ", P) << std::endl;
@@ -165,10 +165,10 @@
const Rep& P,
Residu_t MOD) const {
// write(std::cerr << "CZ in: ", P) << std::endl;
- Degree dp; degree(dp,P);
+ Degree dp; this->degree(dp,P);
size_t nb=dp.value()+1;
Rep * g = new Rep[nb];
- sqrfree(nb,g,P);
+ this->sqrfree(nb,g,P);
// std::cerr << "CZ sqrfree: " << nb << std::endl;
for(size_t i = 0; i<nb;++i) {
size_t this_multiplicity = Lf.size();
@@ -200,17 +200,17 @@
// Square free ?
typename Domain::Element _one;
- Rep W,D; this->gcd(W,diff(D,P),P);
+ Rep W,D; this->gcd(W,this->diff(D,P),P);
Degree d, dP;
- if (degree(d,W) > 0) return 0;
+ if (this->degree(d,W) > 0) return 0;
// Distinct degree free ?
- Rep Unit, G1; init(Unit, Degree(1), _one);
+ Rep Unit, G1; this->init(Unit, Degree(1), _one);
- degree(dP,P); Degree dPo = (dP/2);
+ this->degree(dP,P); Degree dPo = (dP/2);
for(Degree dp = 1; dp <= dPo; ++dp) {
this->powmod(W, D.copy(W), MOD, P);
- this->gcd (G1, sub(D,W,Unit), P) ;
- if ( degree(d,G1) > 0 ) return 0;
+ this->gcd (G1, this->sub(D,W,Unit), P) ;
+ if ( this->degree(d,G1) > 0 ) return 0;
return 1;
--- givaro-3.2.13~/src/library/poly1/givpoly1proot.inl
+++ givaro-3.2.13/src/library/poly1/givpoly1proot.inl
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
template<class Domain, class Tag, class RandIter >
inline typename Poly1FactorDom<Domain,Tag, RandIter>::Element&
Poly1FactorDom<Domain,Tag, RandIter>::creux_random_irreducible (Element& R,
Degree n) const {
- init(R, n, _domain.one);
+ this->init(R, n, _domain.one);
Residu_t MOD = _domain.residu();
// Search for an irreducible BINOMIAL : X^n + a
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
inline typename Poly1FactorDom<Domain,Tag, RandIter>::Element&
Poly1FactorDom<Domain,Tag, RandIter>::random_irreducible (Element& R, Degree n)
const {
// Search for a monic irreducible Polynomial
// with random Elements
- init(R, n, _domain.one);
+ this->init(R, n, _domain.one);
Residu_t MOD = _domain.residu();
do {
@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
template<class Domain, class Tag, class RandIter >
inline typename Poly1FactorDom<Domain,Tag, RandIter>::Element&
Poly1FactorDom<Domain,Tag, RandIter>::ixe_irreducible (Element& R, Degree n)
const {
- init(R, n, _domain.one);
+ this->init(R, n, _domain.one);
Element IXE;
- init(IXE,Degree(1),_domain.one);
+ this->init(IXE,Degree(1),_domain.one);
Residu_t MOD = _domain.residu();
// Search for an irreducible BINOMIAL : X^n + a
@@ -229,13 +229,13 @@
template<class Domain, class Tag, class RandIter>
bool Poly1FactorDom<Domain,Tag, RandIter>::is_prim_root( const Rep& P, const
Rep& F) const {
bool isproot = 0;
- Rep A, G; mod(A,P,F);
+ Rep A, G; this->mod(A,P,F);
Degree d;
- if ( degree(d, this->gcd(G,A,F)) == 0) {
+ if ( this->degree(d, this->gcd(G,A,F)) == 0) {
Residu_t MOD = _domain.residu();
IntFactorDom<> FD;
IntFactorDom<>::Element IMOD( MOD ), q, qp;
- degree(d,F);
+ this->degree(d,F);
// FD.pow(q ,IMOD, d.value());
// FD.sub(qp, q, FD.one);
FD.subin( FD.pow(qp ,IMOD, d.value()) , FD.one);
@@ -286,14 +286,14 @@
template<class Domain, class Tag, class RandIter >
inline typename Poly1FactorDom<Domain,Tag, RandIter>::Rep&
Poly1FactorDom<Domain,Tag, RandIter>::give_prim_root(Rep& R, const Rep& F)
const {
- Degree n; degree(n,F);
+ Degree n; this->degree(n,F);
Residu_t MOD = _domain.residu();
// this->write(std::cout << "Give Pr: ", F) << std::endl;
// Search for a primitive BINOMIAL : X^i + a
for(Degree di=1;di<n;++di) {
- init(R, di, _domain.one);
+ this->init(R, di, _domain.one);
// for(Residu_t a=MOD; a--; ) {
for(Residu_t a=0; a<MOD;++a ) {
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
// Search for a primitive TRINOMIAL : X^i + b*X^j + a
for(Degree di=2;di<n;++di) {
- init(R, di, _domain.one);
+ this->init(R, di, _domain.one);
for(Degree dj=1;dj<di;++dj)
// for(Residu_t b=MOD; b--;) {
for(Residu_t b=0; b<MOD;++b) {
--- End Message ---