
Attached patch fixes the FTBFS.

  Subject: [PATCH] Build for only ruby1.8

   * Build depend on ruby1.8 instead of ruby.
   * Add patch for using ruby1.8 in Makefile.

Builds fine with cowbuilder clean chroot.

The default Ruby interpreter is now ruby1.9.1 and not ruby1.8. The new Ruby
Policy [0, 1] states that if a package is only built fro a specific version (and
not all Ruby versions in Debian) it should build-depend/depend on that specific

I.e. at the moment building for all Debian Ruby versions should have
ruby | ruby-interpreter, building for one version should hence have either
ruby1.8 or ruby1.9.1.

[0] http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-policy.git;=summary


Attachment: 0001-Build-for-only-ruby1.8.patch
Description: Binary data

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