On 29.06.12 Arne Wichmann (a...@anhrefn.saar.de) wrote:
> begin  quotation  from Norbert Preining (in 
> <20120627143050.ge25...@gamma.logic.tuwien.ac.at>):
> > On Mi, 27 Jun 2012, Arne Wichmann wrote:


> > > Given that, the relevant files should be removed from debian,
> > > as they are not DFSG-free.  Am I wrong there?
> > 
> > Yes you are.
> Could you please enlighten me about my misunderstanding?
Please keep in mind that a few of the to be removed files are
essential parts of a basic (La)TeX installation, i.e.  we can't
remove them w/o getting another set of bugs "why is file xyz.sty

Greets from MUC,
You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.
                -- Indira Gandhi

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