In message


Noah turned over responsibility for package "planet-venus" to the python
applications team. So, let's discuss.

I have proposed that planet-venus rename it's copy of
/usr/bin/planet. Of course, I would say that. So, a hopefully impartial
review of the pro's and con's of this suggestion:


1) planet-venus is pretty clearly in the wrong here, since the
   /usr/bin/racket was already present in debian before that package was
   added. The presence of a conflict with drscheme and plt-scheme is
   more or less a confession that somebody should have known better. ;)

2) The popcon ranking of planet-venus is relatively lower than racket
   (approx 50 versus 250).


1) Apparently "planet" from planet-venus is often run in cron, so
   the renaming would likely cause some disruption.

I'm not sure yet how much disruption renaming /usr/bin/planet would
cause for racket users; I'll have to consult the racket mailing list.


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