That is excellent news.

thanks for your work and time !

Best regards

PS: Feel++ will be also unstuck too

On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 7:18 PM, Anton Gladky <> wrote:
> Hi all!
> The upstream authors of GMSH kindly agreed
> to add an license exception for the OCTPL [1]  (username: gmsh, password: 
> gmsh).
> ===========
>   The copyright holders of Gmsh give you permission to combine Gmsh
>   with code included in the standard release of TetGen (from Hang Si),
>   Netgen (from Joachim Sch"oberl), Chaco (from Bruce Hendrickson and
>   Robert Leland at Sandia National Laboratories), METIS (from
>   George Karypis at the University of Minnesota) and OpenCASCADE (from
>   Open CASCADE S.A.S) under their respective licenses. You may copy
>   and distribute such a system following the terms of the GNU GPL
>   for Gmsh and the licenses of the other code concerned, provided
>   that you include the source code of that other code when and as the
>   GNU GPL requires distribution of source code.
> ===========
> So I think Opencascade issue is solved.
> GMSH links with GSL library (libgsl0ldbl) only on m68k-platform,
> which is not officially supported by Debian. So the issue is not
> relevant.
> So, I think the bug is resolved. I have done corresponding changes
> in debian/copyright file and committed them to git-repo [2],
> I am going to decrease the severity of the bug and close it by
> the next upload.
> Thanks.
> Anton
> [1]
> [2] 
> --
> debian-science-maintainers mailing list

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