Dear Thomas,

Am Donnerstag, den 11.10.2012, 16:59 +0200 schrieb Thomas Schmitt:

> >         0000000 001   C   D   0   0   1 001  \0                             
> Yes. That is the start of a Primary Volume Descriptor block.
> Please mount the medium and use diff to compare the files in
> the image with their originals on hard disk. Just to be sure.
> (Mounting does not check all blocks in the image for sanity.)

`diff folder/ /mnt/folder` does not return any error the burning worked.

> > Hmm, it encodes the name in there. To all whistle blowers out there: Do
> > not use Brasero without configuring beforehand. ;-)
> (Who told your computer your full name on the first hand ?)
> ECMA-119 says about that field in the PVD:
> "8.4.21 Data Preparer Identifier (BP 447 to 574)
>  This field shall specify an identification of the person or other
>  entity which controls the preparation of the data to be recorded
>  on the Volume Group of which the volume is a member.
> "
> I would rather use it to identify the image generating program.
> (I do so in xorriso. E.g.:
>   "XORRISO-1.2.5 2012.09.15.170346, LIBISOBURN-1.2.5, LIBISOFS-1.2.5, 
> LIBBURN-1.2.5"
> )

Another bug found. :/

> Brasero mentions itself as:
> "8.4.20 Publisher Identifier (BP 319 to 446)
>  This field shall specify an identification of the user who specified
>  what shall be recorded on the Volume Group of which the volume is a
>  member.
> "
> I would deem this field more appropriate to rat out Paul Menzel. :))

Very much more appropriate. ;-) Are you doing that in xorriso?

> mkisofs has a third opinion on that. It advertises itself in:
> "8.4.22 Application Identifier (BP 575 to 702)
>  This field shall specify an identification of the specification of
>  how the data are recorded on the Volume Group of which the volume
>  is a member.
> "

Interesting. Though I know of no such specifications.

> > PS: Thomas, reading the libburnia start page [1], I see you take
> > donations. If some users, benefiting from this patch want to donate
> > something, I would like the libburnia project to have it. So it would be
> > great if you could give me the necessary instructions.
> If you would like to donate, please mail us:
>  mario.danic [at] gmail [dot] com, Cc: scdbackup [at] gmx [dot] net.
> I personally can accept donations only by my german bank account.
> Possibly this is feasible within the EU even with smaller
> amounts. 
> Our project founder Mario Danic has a paypal account, afaik.
> I understand he has to pay money for the web hoster.

I see. Though I guess it should be made easy for people to donate.
Entering an amount and clicking a button would be the best. Though I
will tell them to mail you. (They could also sent you some stuff which
they can pay easily in an online shop.)



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