
Am Samstag, den 27.10.2012, 18:50 +0200 schrieb Joachim Breitner:
> Am Sonntag, den 28.10.2012, 00:14 +0900 schrieb YOSHINO Yoshihito:
> > On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 11:40 PM, Joachim Breitner <nome...@debian.org> 
> > wrote:
> > > I see. Can you elaborate on the severity of the problem? Do such request
> > > headers occur in common situations, or is it just a theoretical problem?
> > 
> > Actually I have stuck in a warp server receiving request from Japanese
> > mobile phones,
> > which send a header with no space between colon and value.
> > 
> > >
> > > It seems that we’d have to backport these two patches:
> > > https://github.com/yesodweb/wai/commit/a827f54ac31e2c928144bb8bb5b92ca1249013c5
> > > https://github.com/yesodweb/wai/commit/dc4697c007beaf1846872744b83162e7c9406465
> > > or am I missing something?
> > 
> > Looks ok.
> I checked, the patches apply cleanly against the version in unstable.
> Unfortunately, I cannot build it because
> libghc-blaze-builder-conduit-doc and libghc-network-conduit-doc are not
> installable in unstable any more.
> So basically now my worries have come true. Just the moment we broke
> stuff in unstable in a way that prevents us from uploading a single fix
> to testing via unstable an allegedly release critical bug comes up.
> I guess I’ll have to setup a wheezy chroot and see if I can build the
> package there.

Ok, the package builds in a wheezy chroot. Unfortunately, the ABI hash
changes¹, so it is not enough to just upload this package to unstable or

@release-team: There is a reportedly grave bug with haskell-warp, and a
fix is available. Unfortunately, the route of updating testing via
unstable is broken, some uploads aimed for experimental have ended up in

So how can we get the bugfix into wheezy (if you deem it important
enough to be fixed at this stage of the freeze – do you)?

Can we do binNMUs in testing? If yes, then I guess I could upload the
patched package (diff attached) to testing via t-p-u and once it is
there, schedule binNMUs for all depending packages. If not it would
require sourceful uploads of all depending packages, also via t-p-u

Ah, in this case, things are not so bad; haskell-warp is quite low in
the dependency tree. Packages that would require a binNMU or a souceful
no-change-upload are just:


¹ This could be considered a bug in GHC, but nothing to be fixed easily
and unfortunately also something that is not as bad for everyone else as
it is for us, it seems: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/4012

² haskell-blaze-builder and haskell-network-conduit, to be precise. The
next time we’ll do a staging in experimental I’ll ask for an upload
block to avoid this. Human error just always needs to be accounted for.

Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
Debian Developer
  nome...@debian.org | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C
  JID: nome...@joachim-breitner.de | http://people.debian.org/~nomeata
diff -Nru haskell-warp- haskell-warp-
--- haskell-warp-	2012-05-20 05:34:27.000000000 +0200
+++ haskell-warp-	2012-10-27 18:42:36.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+haskell-warp ( UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * Add backported patches spaces-in-http-version and spaces-in-request 
+    Corresponding to dc4697c007beaf1846872744b83162e7c9406465 and
+    a827f54ac31e2c928144bb8bb5b92ca1249013c5 upstream, Closes: 691600
+ -- Joachim Breitner <nome...@debian.org>  Sat, 27 Oct 2012 18:41:41 +0200
 haskell-warp ( unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream version.
diff -Nru haskell-warp- haskell-warp-
--- haskell-warp-	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ haskell-warp-	2012-10-27 18:45:01.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff -Nru haskell-warp- haskell-warp-
--- haskell-warp-	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ haskell-warp-	2012-10-27 18:44:22.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+commit a827f54ac31e2c928144bb8bb5b92ca1249013c5
+Author: Michael Snoyman <mich...@snoyman.com>
+Date:   Thu May 31 12:33:49 2012 +0300
+    Spaces in HTTP version (#76)
+diff --git a/Network/Wai/Handler/Warp.hs b/Network/Wai/Handler/Warp.hs
+index 52ef3fb..f788b7c 100755
+--- a/Network/Wai/Handler/Warp.hs
++++ b/Network/Wai/Handler/Warp.hs
+@@ -488,9 +488,10 @@ takeUntil c bs =
+ parseFirst :: ByteString
+            -> ResourceT IO (ByteString, ByteString, ByteString, H.HttpVersion)
+ parseFirst s =
+-    case filter (not . S.null) $ S.split 32 s of  -- ' '
+-        [method, query, http'] -> do
+-            let (hfirst, hsecond) = B.splitAt 5 http'
++    case filter (not . S.null) $ S.splitWith (\c -> c == 32 || c == 9) s of  -- ' '
++        (method:query:http'') -> do
++            let http' = S.concat http''
++                (hfirst, hsecond) = B.splitAt 5 http'
+             if hfirst == "HTTP/"
+                then let (rpath, qstring) = S.breakByte 63 query  -- '?'
+                         hv =
+diff --git a/test/main.hs b/test/main.hs
+index 432e460..274c22e 100644
+--- a/test/main.hs
++++ b/test/main.hs
+@@ -208,6 +208,24 @@ main = hspecX $ do
+             headers @?=
+                 [ ("foo", "bar")
+                 ]
++        it "spaces in http version" $ do
++            iversion <- I.newIORef $ error "Version not parsed"
++            port <- getPort
++            tid <- forkIO $ run port $ \req -> do
++                liftIO $ I.writeIORef iversion $ httpVersion req
++                return $ responseLBS status200 [] ""
++            threadDelay 1000
++            handle <- connectTo "" $ PortNumber $ fromIntegral port
++            let input = S.concat
++                    [ "GET    /    HTTP\t/  1 .   1  \r\nfoo: bar\r\n\r\n"
++                    ]
++            hPutStr handle input
++            hFlush handle
++            hClose handle
++            threadDelay 1000
++            killThread tid
++            version <- I.readIORef iversion
++            version @?= http11
+     describe "chunked bodies" $ do
+         it "works" $ do
diff -Nru haskell-warp- haskell-warp-
--- haskell-warp-	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ haskell-warp-	2012-10-27 18:44:32.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+commit dc4697c007beaf1846872744b83162e7c9406465
+Author: Michael Snoyman <mich...@snoyman.com>
+Date:   Thu May 31 11:49:43 2012 +0300
+    Multiline HTTP headers (#76)
+diff --git a/Network/Wai/Handler/Warp.hs b/Network/Wai/Handler/Warp.hs
+index c1a5aa9..52ef3fb 100755
+--- a/Network/Wai/Handler/Warp.hs
++++ b/Network/Wai/Handler/Warp.hs
+@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ module Network.Wai.Handler.Warp
+     , T.initialize
+ #if TEST
+     , takeHeaders
++    , parseFirst
+     , readInt
+ #endif
+     ) where
+@@ -487,7 +488,7 @@ takeUntil c bs =
+ parseFirst :: ByteString
+            -> ResourceT IO (ByteString, ByteString, ByteString, H.HttpVersion)
+ parseFirst s =
+-    case S.split 32 s of  -- ' '
++    case filter (not . S.null) $ S.split 32 s of  -- ' '
+         [method, query, http'] -> do
+             let (hfirst, hsecond) = B.splitAt 5 http'
+             if hfirst == "HTTP/"
+@@ -649,11 +650,7 @@ fmap2 _ (C.Done i x) = C.Done i x
+ parseHeaderNoAttr :: ByteString -> H.Header
+ parseHeaderNoAttr s =
+     let (k, rest) = S.breakByte 58 s -- ':'
+-        restLen = S.length rest
+-        -- FIXME check for colon without following space?
+-        rest' = if restLen > 1 && SU.unsafeTake 2 rest == ": "
+-                   then SU.unsafeDrop 2 rest
+-                   else rest
++        rest' = S.dropWhile (\c -> c == 32 || c == 9) $ S.drop 1 rest
+      in (CI.mk k, rest')
+ connSource :: Connection -> T.Handle -> C.Source (ResourceT IO) ByteString
+@@ -756,8 +753,15 @@ takeHeaders =
+                         prepend' = prepend . S.append bs
+                         status = THStatus len' lines prepend'
+                      in C.NeedInput (push status) close
++                -- Found a newline, but next line continues as a multiline header
++                Just (end, True) ->
++                    let rest = S.drop (end + 1) bs
++                        prepend' = prepend . S.append (SU.unsafeTake (checkCR bs end) bs)
++                        len' = len + end
++                        status = THStatus len' lines prepend'
++                     in push status rest
+                 -- Found a newline at position end.
+-                Just end ->
++                Just (end, False) ->
+                     let start = end + 1 -- start of next chunk
+                         line
+                             -- There were some bytes before the newline, get them
+@@ -786,7 +790,15 @@ takeHeaders =
+                                         else C.NeedInput (push status) close
+       where
+         bsLen = S.length bs
+-        mnl = S.elemIndex 10 bs
++        mnl = do
++            nl <- S.elemIndex 10 bs
++            -- check if there are two more bytes in the bs
++            -- if so, see if the second of those is a horizontal space
++            if bsLen > nl + 1
++                then
++                    let c = S.index bs (nl + 1)
++                     in Just (nl, c == 32 || c == 9)
++                else Just (nl, False)
+ {-# INLINE takeHeaders #-}
+ checkCR :: ByteString -> Int -> Int
+diff --git a/test/main.hs b/test/main.hs
+index 73e66d5..432e460 100644
+--- a/test/main.hs
++++ b/test/main.hs
+@@ -147,6 +147,68 @@ main = hspecX $ do
+         it "ConnectionClosedByPeer" $ runTerminateTest ConnectionClosedByPeer "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\ncontent-length: 10\r\n\r\nhello"
+         it "IncompleteHeaders" $ runTerminateTest IncompleteHeaders "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\ncontent-length: 10\r\n"
++    describe "special input" $ do
++        it "multiline headers" $ do
++            iheaders <- I.newIORef []
++            port <- getPort
++            tid <- forkIO $ run port $ \req -> do
++                liftIO $ I.writeIORef iheaders $ requestHeaders req
++                return $ responseLBS status200 [] ""
++            threadDelay 1000
++            handle <- connectTo "" $ PortNumber $ fromIntegral port
++            let input = S.concat
++                    [ "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nfoo:    bar\r\n baz\r\n\tbin\r\n\r\n"
++                    ]
++            hPutStr handle input
++            hFlush handle
++            hClose handle
++            threadDelay 1000
++            killThread tid
++            headers <- I.readIORef iheaders
++            headers @?=
++                [ ("foo", "bar baz\tbin")
++                ]
++        it "no space between colon and value" $ do
++            iheaders <- I.newIORef []
++            port <- getPort
++            tid <- forkIO $ run port $ \req -> do
++                liftIO $ I.writeIORef iheaders $ requestHeaders req
++                return $ responseLBS status200 [] ""
++            threadDelay 1000
++            handle <- connectTo "" $ PortNumber $ fromIntegral port
++            let input = S.concat
++                    [ "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nfoo:bar\r\n\r\n"
++                    ]
++            hPutStr handle input
++            hFlush handle
++            hClose handle
++            threadDelay 1000
++            killThread tid
++            headers <- I.readIORef iheaders
++            headers @?=
++                [ ("foo", "bar")
++                ]
++        it "extra spaces in first line" $ do
++            iheaders <- I.newIORef []
++            port <- getPort
++            tid <- forkIO $ run port $ \req -> do
++                liftIO $ I.writeIORef iheaders $ requestHeaders req
++                return $ responseLBS status200 [] ""
++            threadDelay 1000
++            handle <- connectTo "" $ PortNumber $ fromIntegral port
++            let input = S.concat
++                    [ "GET    /    HTTP/1.1\r\nfoo: bar\r\n\r\n"
++                    ]
++            hPutStr handle input
++            hFlush handle
++            hClose handle
++            threadDelay 1000
++            killThread tid
++            headers <- I.readIORef iheaders
++            headers @?=
++                [ ("foo", "bar")
++                ]
+     describe "chunked bodies" $ do
+         it "works" $ do
+             ifront <- I.newIORef id

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