I could reproduce the problem for devscripts-el. Actually it has
nothing to do with emacs22. Here are the steps:

- start from a squeeze system with devscripts-el and emacs23 installed
  (also note that apel is a dependency of devscripts-el)
- apt-get -t wheezy install apel
- apt-get -t wheezy install emacsen-common
- apt-get -t wheezy install devscripts-el

devscripts-el/wheezy's postinst crashes. The problem is that apel/wheezy
is configured before emacsen-common/wheezy, and this apparently breaks.
If the order is changed and emacsen-common/wheezy is configured before
apel/wheezy and devscripts-el/wheezy, then everything goes fine.

Looking at debian-emacs-policy from emacsen-common 2.0.3, I see
that it recommends that addons add a Conflicts: emacsen-common << 2.0.0.

First, I am not sure that a versioned conflicts is the right solution, a
Breaks may be more appropriate (see
http://lintian.debian.org/tags/conflicts-with-version.html ).

Second, even though such a Conflicts/Breaks will certainly help, I am
not totally sure that it will actually force the configuration of
emacsen-common/wheezy before any add-on.

Rob: what are your comments on that?

If the Breaks: emacsen-common << 2.0.0 is enough, then the solution is
to add it to apel and devscripts-el (and actually to *all* emacs


 .''`.    Sébastien Villemot
: :' :    Debian Developer
`. `'     http://www.dynare.org/sebastien
  `-      GPG Key: 4096R/381A7594

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