tag 694676 +patch

On Sat, Dec 01, 2012 at 06:13:25PM +0100, Agustin Martin wrote:
> Loading /usr/share/emacs22/site-lisp/speechd-el/speechd-braille.el (source)...
> Cannot open load file: eieio
> make: *** [braille.elc] Error 255
> ERROR: install script from speechd-el package failed
> diffferent than in original bug report, but reproducible here. I am
> afraid that the simple solution is to make speechd-el not build for
> emacs22.

I am attaching a patch that may help here with speechd-el. For emacs21 and
emacs22 it checks if a standalone eieio package is installed and otherwise
warns and skips byte-compilation for that flavour.

On Sat, Dec 01, 2012 at 08:50:59PM +0100, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> PS: if you upload packages that are supposed to fix these issues
> somewhere I can run them through my piuparts tests before they get
> uploaded to the archive


I have put an experimental package with that change at


or if you prefer in repo way, at

deb http://people.debian.org/~agmartin/debian-store/experimental/ ./

Repo is signed with my key. 

Although the experimental package is created as a NMU, I'd prefer a regular
upload by speechd-el maintainer (Hi, Milan). I will only consider uploading
it if there is no reply in a reasonable time period.


diff --git a/debian/speechd-el.emacsen-install b/debian/speechd-el.emacsen-install
index fb7dfd7..d940e07 100755
--- a/debian/speechd-el.emacsen-install
+++ b/debian/speechd-el.emacsen-install
@@ -13,6 +13,23 @@ ELC_DIR=/usr/share/${FLAVOR}/site-lisp/$PACKAGE
 if [ "${FLAVOR}" = emacs23 ] || [ "${FLAVOR}" = emacs22 ] || [ "${FLAVOR}" = emacs21 ] || [ "${FLAVOR}" = emacs-snapshot ]; then
   echo "install/$PACKAGE: byte-compiling for ${FLAVOR}..."
+  # eieio is integrated in emacs23, conflicting with standalone eieio
+  # package. This makes impossible to use this package with
+  # e.g. emacs22 and a standalone eieio package if emacs23 is
+  # installed (#694676). Check if eieio sources are available when
+  # byte-compiling for emacs21 or emacs22. This should help use of this
+  # package in ancient boxes.
+  case "${FLAVOR}" in
+      emacs21|emacs22)
+	  if [ ! -d "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/eieio" ]; then
+	      echo "install/$PACKAGE: No standalone eieio package available for ${FLAVOR}. Skipping ..."
+	      exit 0
+	  fi
+	  ;;
+      *)
+  esac
   # Copy the temp .el files
   if [ ! -d ${ELC_DIR} ]; then
     mkdir ${ELC_DIR}

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